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Form Three History And Government Question Paper

Form Three History And Government 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

NAME.....CLASS .......ADM NO.....

Instructions: Answer all questions in this section
1. Name two archeological sites found in Kenya. (2marks)
2. List two communities that make up the Eastern Bantu of Kenya. (2 marks)
3. Give one function of Orkoiyot among Nandi (1 mark)
4. State two reasons why the Omani rulers were interested in establishing their rule along the Kenyan Coast. (2 marks)
5. Define dual citizenship. (1 mark)
6. State two characteristics of a good constitution. (2 marks)
7. State two characteristics of human rights. (2 marks)
8. Identify the company which helped the British in the establishment of colonial rule in Kenya. (1 mark)
9. Give two features of the colonial system of education. (2 marks)
10. State two reasons for Agiriama resistance against the British rule. (2 marks)
11. Name the colonial secretary who convened the Lancaster House conference of 1960. (1 mark)
12. State the main contribution of professor Wangari Maathai in nation building in Kenya. (1 mark)
13. Name the body in charge of elections in Kenya. (1 mark)
14. State one type of democracy. (1 mark)
15. What was the main objective of the second Lancaster House conference? (1 mark)
16. Give the main objective of the devolved government. (1mark)
17. State one type of government expenditure. (1 mark)

Instructions: Answer any three questions from this section.
18. (a) State five economic activities of the Agikuyu in the precolonial period. (5 marks)
(b) Describe the social organization of the Mijikenda during the precolonial period. (10 marks)
19. (a) Give five characteristics of city states along the Kenyan Coast in the 16th century. (5 marks)
(b) Explain five consequences of missionary activities in Kenya. (10 marks)
20. (a) Identify five reasons for construction of the Uganda railway. (5 marks)
(b) Explain five consequences of urbanization during the colonial rule in Kenya. (10 marks)
21. (a) State five roles of African women in the Mau Mau liberation movement in Kenya. (5 marks)
(b) Discuss the contribution of Daniel Arap Moi in national development in Kenya between 1978 and 2002. (5 marks)

Instructions: Answer any two questions from this section.

22. (a) Outline the features of the independence constitution of Kenya. (8 marks)
(b) Explain the main principles of democracy. (7 marks)
23. (a) Describe the structures of the court system in Kenya. (5 marks)
(b) Explain five rights of an accused person during trial in a court of law. (10 marks)
24. (a) Identify five sources of revenue for the government of Kenya. (5 marks)
(b) Explain five measures taken by the government of Kenya in managing public finance. (10 marks)

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