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Comparative Education. Tfd 401 Question Paper

Comparative Education. Tfd 401 

Course:Bachelor Of Education

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. Brian Holmes popularized the problem solving approach as a method that can be used to solve educational problems. Show how this approach can be applied in tackling problems in Kenya.

2. (a) Compare the aims of education systems in Kenya with those in Cuba.
(b) Examine five lessons you consider relevant to Kenya’s educational reform from the Cuban experience

3. You have been invited to present a paper in an educational conference on the topic “internationalization of comparative education”. Discuss five challenges that you would explain in your paper as you explain the challenges facing the study of comparative education internationally.

4. (a) Define the term National System of Education.
(b) Critically examine and analyze five factors that shape the education system of your country.

5. “The education systems of most countries are borrowed from their former colonial masters”. In light of this statement, show to what extent the education system in Kenya has been influenced by the British system of education.

6. Assess the impact of HIV and AIDS on the education system in Kenya.

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