Agriculture Question Paper
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2012
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
1. - Pests
- Pathogens
- Nitrogen fixing bacteria.
- Decomposers
- Pollinators. (any 4x ½ =2marks)
2. - Organic matter content.
- Parent rock
- Nutrient contained. (any 2x ½ =1mark)
3. - Reduce speed of runoff.
- Increases rainfall infiltration.
- reduces volume of runoff.
- Facilitates farm mechanization by reducing the slope of the land. (any 4x ½ =2marks)
4. - Reduce slope.
- Reduce watering. (2x ½ =1marks)
5. - Spraying
- Pruning.
- Training.
- Grafting
- Shading
- Effecting barriers (any 3x ½ marks)
6. - Slashing.
- Burning
- Moving (2x ½ =1mark)
7. - Per capita income.
- Gross domestic produced.
- Gross national product.
- Ratio or doctors to patients
- Rate of teacher to student. (2x ½ =2marks)
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Turn over
8. - Type of food eaten by the animal.
- Method of storage of the manure.
- Type of breeding litter used. (3x ½ =1 ½ marks)
9. - Mutual benefit between animals and crops.
- Incase of failure of one crop the farmer can rely on the other.
- There is maximum utilization of farm labour.
- Animal wastes can be used to generate biogas.
- Some farm animals are used to provide farm labour.
- Ensure maximum utilization of land. (3x ½ = 1 ½ marks)
10. - Maintain soil fertility.
- Improves soil structure/aeration.
- Controls pests and diseases.
- Controls weed.
- Reduces chance of soil erosion.
- Make maximum use of soil nutrients. (4x ½ = 2marks)
11. - Seed cleaning.
- Innoculating.
- break seed dormancy.
- Seed dressing.
- Chitting. (4x ½ =2marks)
12. - Soil conservation.
- Control riverbank erosion to prevent soil erosion.
- Avoid using chemical to control pest and diseases.
- fencing out water sources.
- Control flooding and water disposal systems. (3x ½ =1 ½ marks)
13. - Lack of knowledge/skills.
- Poor communication.
- Lack of market for agricultural produce.
- Pests and diseases.
- Poor weather conditions.
- Fluctuation of commodity prices.
- Perishability. (Any 3x ½ =1 ½ marks)
14. - Use of sprinklers.
- Use of watering cans. (2x ½ = 1mark)
15. - Relieve population pressure in some areas.
- Increase agricultural production.
- To create employment. (2x1=2marks)
16. - Amount.
- Intensity.
- Distribution.
- Duration. 4x ½ =2marks)
17. - Maize variety.
- Soil fertility.
- Soil moisture conditions.
- The purpose of the crop. (4x ½ = 2marks)
18. - Forage species used.
- Methods of storage.
- Soil fertility where the forage was grown.
- Weather conditions during drying.
- Stage of growth at 4x ½ =2marks)
19. (a). - Irregular watering.
- Calcium deficiency in young fruits/deficiency.
- Too much nitrogen in early stages. 3x1=3marks.
(b) – Adequate watering/irregular watering.
- Apply fertilizer containing calcium. E.g. CAN.
- Mulching.
- Avoid excess application of nitrogen. 2x1=2marks
(c) i). It’s the removal of terminal bud of crop e.g. tomatoes after attaining height of 1.6 – 1.8m
(ii) Cutting points to achieve desired shape of the crop. 1x1=1mark.
20. (a) Price of mangoes will go down. 2x1=2marks
(b) – Milk is perishable so needs storage.
- Facilities which a farmer may not afford.
- Transport problem.
- Special containers are required to handle milk which may be expensive.
- Lack of market information.
- Price fluctuation.
- delayed payment. 4x1=4marks
(c) – Vegetable nursery.
- Tree nursery.
- Vegetative propagation nursery. (any 2x1=2marks)
21. (a) Market :- Place where buyers and sellers meet to buy and sell goods and services.
Marketing: - Is the performance of business activity that direct flow of goods and services from producers to consumers. 2x1=2marks
(b) A situation in which some buyers, some sellers or both have limited knowledge of goods and services offered for sale at various prices/fewer buyers and sellers in the market/different goods in the market. (1mark
(c) – Supply.
- Demand.
22. (a) – Harrow land to a fine tilth during the dry season.
- clean the seed bed/weed free.
- Firm the seedbed using rollers before and after planting.
- Select desirable seeds for the area.
- Plant seeds at the onset of the rains by drilling.
- Apply phosphate fertilizers SSP, DSP, TSP.
- Drug a twig to lightly cover the seeds.
- Control weeds by uprooting/ herbicides.
- Apply nitrogenous fertilizer in splits.
- Cut back/practice light grazing to encourage growth.
- Avoid grazing when pasture is too young.
(b) – More palatable than pure grain.
- Farmer has security against total loss due to attack by pests and diseases.
- Mixed pasture yields are higher per unit area of land.
- More nutritious/higher nutritive value.
- Makes maximum use of nutrients.
- Better weed control effects.
- reduces soil erosion because of good coverage.
- Increase soil fertility.
- Economy in the use of fertilizers.
- Better distribution of growth i.e. a mixture of early and late maturing species.
23. (a) Factors that encourage soil erosion.
- Lack of ground cover exposing soil.
- Steep slopes.
- Light/sand soils.
- Shallow soils.
- High rainfall intensity.
- Frequent cultivation/over cultivation.
- Overstocking.
- burning of vegetation.
- Deforestation.
- Plough up and down the slope.
- Cultivation along river banks. 8x1=8marks)4
(b) – Mulching.
- Shadding.
- Weed control.
- Pest and disease control.
- Thinning/pricking out.
- Fertilizer application.
- Watering.
- Hardening off.
- Removal of mulch after germination. 7x1=7marks.
(c) Soil drainage.
- Soil structure.
- Soil nutrients’.
- Soil depth.
- Soil ph/ chemical properties.
- Soil borne pests and diseases. (5x1=5marks)
24. (a)- trapping/picking.
- Lethal temperature.
- Flooding.
- Physical barriers e.g. fences.
- Proper drying.
- Use of exposure.
- Suffocation. 6x1=6marks)
(b) Weed control.
- Remove excess soil around the root to facilitate bulb expansion.
- Watering.
- Top – dress with nitrogenous fertilizer.
- Control pest.
- Control diseases. (4x1=4marks)
(c) – Intended use or purpose.
- Germination percentage.
- Method of planting.
- Number of seeds per hole.
- Soil fertility.
- Growth habit of the crop.
- Spacing.
- Seed purity.
- Pure/mixed stand.
Statement 5x1=5marks)
Explanation 5x1=5marks.
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