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Cre Mid Term For Std. 8 Term Iii 2011 Question Paper

Cre Mid Term For Std. 8 Term Iii 2011 

Course:Primary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011


1. The phrase ‘let us make man in our likeness’ Gen 1.26 means
A. Man is equal to God
Man shares God’s glory
Man is above God in certain aspects
Man is as powerful as God himself

2. God created all kinds of plants on the _ day
A. Third
B. First
C. Fourth
D. Sixth

3. In Gen 2.15, God kept human beings in the garden of Eden mainly to:
A. eat fruits from all the trees in the garden
B. cultivate and guard the garden
C. enjoy being there
D. keep wild animals away from eating the fruit

4. The first five books of the Old Testament are called_
a.) Poetry
b.) Pentateuch
c.) Prophetic
d.) Historical books

5. Which of the following was God’s promise to Abraham
a.) God promised to bless all the nations through Abraham
b.) God promised to be with Abraham as he went to speak to Pharaoh
c.) God promised to provide a ram for the sacrifice
d.) God promised Abraham that his son would build a Temple for God

6. Which of the following friends were loyal, open and trustworthy to each other
a.) Abraham and Lot
b.) David and Jonathan
c.) Jeremiah and Samuel
d.) Moses and Gideon

7. Jesus was taken to the temple in Jerusalem when he was twelve to
a.) get baptized
b.) to be dedicated to the Lord
c.) attend the feast of the Passover
d.) be circumcised

8. Who of the following was NOT a judge in Israel
a) Othniel
b) Ehud
c) Shamgar
d) Abimelech
9. Jesus says: anyone who looks at a woman lustfully is guilty of committing adultery with her in his heart. Which commandment did he refer to?
a) 5th commandment
b) 6th commandment
c) 8th commandment
d) 7th commandment

10. The church is best referred to as:
a) Christians of other churches
b) A building where meetings are held
c) The Christian community
d) Leaders of Christian churches

11. Abilities are:
a) special qualities that makes us perform well in mathematics
b) special gifts that enable us to mental, social or physical activities
c) things you are talented in doing
d) fruits that the Holy Spirit gives

12. Moses was reluctant to ask the King for the release of the Israelites form Egypt because
a) he killed an Egyptian
b) he was still young
c) he was not an Egyptian
d) he could not speak well

13. Who among these people was told by Paul to preserve the gift that God had given him
a) Timothy
b) Titus
c) Silas
d) Apollos

14. The MAIN teaching from the Sermon on the Mount is
a) Christian suffering on the earth
b) values of Christian living
c) being peacemakers
d) how to fast

15. Purity means
a) wearing clean cloths
b) having good intentions
c) avoiding other people
d) obeying our leaders

16. Who among the following was angry with David at the battle field
a) King Saul
b) Jesse
c) Eliab
d) Goliath
17. Jacob showed tolerance and patience by
a) accepting to work in Laban’s shamba
b) working for fourteen years to marry Rachel
c) falling in love with Rachel
d) deciding to marry Leah instead of Rachel

18. Jonathan showed his loyalty to David by:
a) telling David that his father would not kill him
b) saving David from his father
c) making David to love him
d) promising to save David from King Saul

19. Which of the following is not a home for the aged
a) Save Our Souls village(SOS)
b) Mji wa Huruma
c) Little sisters of the poor
d) Nyumba ya Wazee

20. In 1950s three Christians started a health service that was to help people living in remote areas. Which service is this?
a) The Red Cross International
b) The St. John Ambulance
c) The Flying Doctor service
d) Community Health programmes

21. Literacy work involves
a) all that involves the church
b) learning, reading, writing and basic arithmetic
c) reading and writing only
d) basic arithmetic and reading only

22. Who among the following was not among the seven helpers chosen by the early believers?
a) Permenas
b) Barnabas
c) Timon
d) Philip

23. The main reason why the church in Kenya is involved in rural development is to:
a) improve the quality of life for the locals
b) promote the local culture of the people
c) socialize well with the local people

24. What is the BEST advice to give a Christian who is idle?
a) join a church choir
b) be involved in charity work
c) take a book and read
d) talk with friends

25. Prophet Nathan was angry with David because he
a) had planned the murder of Uriah
b) was worshipping foreign gods
c) had married many foreign wives
d) wanted to build a house for God

26. Eternal life begins here on earth when a person
a. fights exploitation
b) lives a holy life
c) agrees to be baptised
d) resurrects on the last day

27. Insome traditional African communities shedding of blood during circumcision shows that the initiates are
a) strong and healthy
b) ready to lead others to prayers
c) separated from the community
d) united with the ancestors

28. The best way in which ancestral spirits are pleased in traditional African communities is by
a) naming children after them
b) calling out their names
c) singing songs to them
d) praying for them

29. A friend of yours who wants to taste alcohol should be told that alcohol
a) leads to illhealth
b)makes people grow better
c) makes people be bright in class
d) is taken by people who are wealthy

30. I was a minor prophet, was sent by God to Nineveh but went to Tarshish. Who am I?
A). micah
b) john
c) joel
d) ionah

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