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Ect 202: Instructional Methods Question Paper

Ect 202: Instructional Methods 

Course:Bachelor Of Education

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2006

DATE: FRIDAY 27TH JANUARY, 2006 TIME: 2.00 P.M – 4. 00 P.M
Question One is compulsory and answer any other two questions.
1. a). As a lecturer, you are dissatisfied with your lecturing skills and with students running away from your lecture presentation. Based on the learning theory of how students learn, what would you do to enhance the quality of your lecture presentation?(6 marks)
b). Outline any four methods of identifying learners who require special help during instruction. (2 marks)
c). State four limitations of using mixed ability grouping during instruction. (4 marks)
d). Give three reasons why motivation is an important aspect of the teaching/learning process. (3 marks)
e). Explain 5 preconditions essential for motivational strategies in the classroom.
(5 marks)
f). Based on our classroom discussions, outline with examples, about 4 distinguishing characteristics of each of the 2 teaching strategies. (10 marks)

2. a). Define the term system and explain four general characteristics of a system (10 marks)
b). State and explain four advantages of applying systems approach in teaching
(10 marks)

3. The lecture method has been widely criticized for its ineffectiveness as a method of instruction; it is widely used in tertiary levels of learning. Discuss this statement in the light of the strengths and weaknesses of the lecture technique. (20 marks)
4. a). State an instructional objective based on a topic in the secondary school curriculum.
(2 marks)
b). Write an essay question to test the achievement of the objective (a) above (11 marks)
c). Prepare a marking scheme for the essay (6 marks)

5. a). Outline the relationship between a scheme of work and a lesson plan. (4 marks)
b). Given the topic “Drug Abuse” and its sub-topic “Effects of drug abuse to the youths”
i. Construct an instructional objective(s) to be achieved in a 40 minutes lesson.
(2 marks)
ii. Identify any four (4) Learning activities you would engage your class during the lesson. (4 marks)
c). Why is it necessary to provide for individual differences in the classroom? (2 marks)
d). Discuss five problems which are likely to arise in the process of providing for
individual differences in the classroom. (8 marks)

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