Szl 300:Biostatistics Question Paper
Szl 300:Biostatistics
Course:Bachelor Of Education Science
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2008
DATE: MONDAY 26TH NOVEMBER, 2007 TIME: 11.00 A.M – 1.00 P.M
All questions carry equal marks. Illustrate your answers with diagrams wherever appropriate.
SECTION A (40 Marks)
Answer ALL questions
1. The Kiwanja community hospital records on average 18 patients yearly with the rarely occurring scrotal cancer. What is the probability that over a two month period, they will record 2 patients with the cancer?
2. Neem seed powder is claimed to treat the disease Coccidiosis in chicken. There was an outbreak of the disease in November of 2006 and a farmer wanted to find out whether the Neem product was effective. He provided one group of chicken with feed mixed with Neem powder, and to another group gave feed only without the Neem powder. After 30 days he was able to provide the following data.
Dead chicken Survived chicken
Feed with Neem 15 26
Feed without Neem 17 16
Was the Neem powder effective treatment for Coccidiosis?
3. An ecologist recorded 26 of the rarely occurring Roan antelope over a 12 hour period at the Shimba Hills National Park. What is the probability of her recording 4 antelopes per her?
4. For a population of 4500 normally distributed Acacia trees, how many trees are 2.4 standard deviations below the mean?
5. Explain the conditions under which non-parametric statistics are applied?
6. Differentiate between testing the goodness of fit and the test of independence in the Chi-Square.
7. A prison cell of sexual offenders contains five inmates, two of them HIV seropositive and three of them seronegative. A second cell contains six inmates, two of them seropositive and four of them seronegative. A third cell contains four inmates, two seropositive and two seronegative. If one inmate is selected randomly from each cell, what is the probability that all inmates selected will be seropositive?
8. A geneticist counted the number of bristles (hairs) on the 3rd and 4th abdominal segment of the fruit fly ceratitis cosyra and obtained the following results:
Number of bristles Number of flies
29 1
30 0
31 4
32 6
33 9
34 11
35 13
36 6
37 4
38 2
Find the median number of bristles
Answer any ONE question.
9. A biotechnology student isolated a compound from wild pumpkin that is claimed to boost immunity by enlarging the thymus glands of the vertebrates. In one of the experiments five fully grown capons were exposed to chicken marsh containing the compound, while another five were exposed to the chicken marsh only. The chickens were sacrificed after 2 weeks and their thymus glands weighed. The data obtained were as follows:
Marsh with compound Marsh without compound
32 32
31 37
28 26
32 41
41 39
Test whether this compound has an effect on the size of the thymus gland?
10. The gain (in kg) of 12 calves fed on three different diets for 5 weeks were recorded and the following data obtained: DIET A: 9, 15 and 10 kg; DIET B: 16, 21, 18, 13 and 15 kg; DIET C: 15, 10, 16 and 7 kg. Assuming that the calves came from a normally distributed population, test whether the weight gains of calves is the same for all diets.
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