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Science Class 8 Sirikwa Question Paper

Science Class 8 Sirikwa 

Course:Primary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011


Which one of the following drugs consists of a depressant and a stimulant?
A. aspirin and alcohol
B. tobacco and miraa
C. alcohol and miraa
D. glue and alcohol

Which component of blood has been wrongly matched with its function?
A. platelets – clotting of blood
B. red cells - removing oxygen
C. plasma – removing oxygen
D. white cells fighting germs

Which one of the following is not a possible way of transmitting HIV/AIDS?
A. mosquito bites
B. sharing needles and syringes
C. blood transfusion
D. breast feeding

4. Which one of the following statements are true about the components of environment?
i. soils are formed from rocks and contain minerals
ii. carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen are useful to plant life
iii. soils play a role in rain formation
A. i, ii, iii
B. i, ii
C. i, iii
D. ii, iii

Which one of the following is the part used used by insectivorous plants to obtain food?
A. stem
B. flower
C. roots
D. leaves

6. Which one of the following birds if found on a wheat field would worry the farmers?
A. vulture
B. sunbird
C. crow
D. quelea birds

The vessel that empties urine into the bladder is known as?
A. epididymis
B. ureter
C. urethra
D. seminal vesicle

Which one of the following pairs CANNOT mix?
A. milk and water
B. kerosene and cooking oil
C. methylated and water
D. water and cooking oil

Which one of the following is a characteristic of plants growing in dry areas?
A. they have silvery hair
B. they have broad leaves
C. they have flexible stems
D. they have thin cuticles

Which one of the following is the name given to both hay and silage?
A. concentrates
B. pasture
C. conserved feeds
D. fodder

Which one of the following is an example of high sound?
A. whispering
B. snake hissing
C. thunder
D. man talking

Mass is described as
A. the amount of force which opposes movement
B. the tendency of an object to resist change
C. the quantity of matter in an object
D. the amount of force of gravity acting on an object

Which one of the following immunisable diseases destroys the nerve cells causing paralysis of some body parts?
A. diphtheria
B. measles
C. poliomyelitis
D. tetanus

Which one of the following is NOT a pasture?
A. clover
B. star grass
C. glycine
D. desmodium

Which one of the following parasites transmits trypanosomiasis?
A. mites
B. fleas
C. tsetse fly
D. housefly

Which one of the following is NOT extracted from plants?
A. bhang
B. mandrax
C. cocaine
D. heroin

Which one of the following materials DOES NOT pollute the environment?
A. rotting vegetables
B. broken pieces of glasses
C. plastic paper bags
D. metal can

18.The units for expressing humidity is
A. mm
B. g/cm3
C. kg/m3
D. millibars

The living part of environment is also referred to as
A. biotic
B. abiotic
C. non-living
D. animal

Which one of the following methods of grazing is not an example of rotational grazing?
A. paddocking
B. tethering
C. herding
D. strip grazing

In which of the following parts of a bicycle is friction NOT required?
A. seat
B. axle
C. handle
D. pedal

In feeding relationships, squirrel belong to the same group as
A. vultures
B. snakes
C. antelopes
D. lions

Which one of the following practices helps to conserve soil by preventing soil erosion?
A. crop rotation
B. use of manure
C. mulching
D. planting cover crops

As chameleon shoots out its tongue to
A. taste food
B. locate food
C. catch food
D. cool itself

Which of the following characteristics of a thermos flask reduces lost of heat by radiation?
A. vacuum
B. cork stopper
C. shiny surface
D. plastic casing

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