General Psychology Question Paper
General Psychology
Course:Bachelor Of Education In Early Childhood Education
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2008
ECE 101
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any seven questions
1. Describe structuralism as a school of psychological thought. (6marks)
2. Using relevant examples, describe the importance of industrial psychology. (6marks)
3. Using relevant examples, explain the meaning of the following terms:
a) Extinction
b) Stimulus discrimination (6marks)
4. Differentiate between the following terms:
a) Regression
b) Repression (6marks)
5. Describe the obsessive compulsive disorder. (6marks)
6. Discuss the importance of the course ' General Psychology' to individuals who work with children. (20marks)
7. Using relevant examples discuss how the way we react to situations may be determined by our perceptions. (20marks)
8. Most children in Kenya today lack interest in school. As an early childhood expert, discuss which advice you would give parents and caregivers so they can be able to motivate children to show interest in school and school related activities. (20marks)
9. Using relevant examples, discuss how you would use the following when working with children:
a) Classical conditioning
b) Operant conditioning (20marks)
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