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Kanga High School Form One C.R.E Question Paper

Kanga High School Form One C.R.E 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2007

1.outline styles used in writing the bible(5mks)
2.state four books that are referred to as the apocrypha(4mks)
3.explain problems faced by the bible authors(4mks)
4.outline teachings from Genesis that support equality between man and the woman(5mks)
5.what lessons can christians learn from the fall of man as recorded in Genesis3(5mks) do christians continue with God's work of creation(5mks)
7.give reasons why God called Abraham(4mks)
8.state ways in which God reveals Himself to christians today(4mks)
9.explain difficulties experienced by Abraham in his life(4mks)
10.describe the covenant that God made with Abraham Gen15:1-20(8mks)
11.identify various covenants in modern life(4mks)
12.list four instructions given to Abraham on circumcision(4mks)
13.what is the relevance of the decalogue to christians today?(4mks) what way did God demonstrate His care to the Israelites during the Exodus.(5mks)
15.outline the attributes of God from the ten plagues(5mks)
16.explain reasons for kingship in Israel(5mks) did David promote Yahweism(5mks)
18.what were the features of the canaanite religion(5mks)
19.state lessons learnt about God from the contest of Mt.Carmel(5mks)
20.what are the responsibilities of the living to the ancestors(5mks)
21.what are the African beliefs about the character of spirits(5mks)

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