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Turkana County Form 4 Entrance Exam. Christian Religious Education Paper 2. Question Paper

Turkana County Form 4 Entrance Exam. Christian Religious Education Paper 2. 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer any FIVE questions.
1. a) How did Jesus fulfill the prophesy of Isaiah on the suffering servant. (8mks)
b) What do naming and dedication reveal about Jesus? (6mks)
c) Name six lessons Christian learn from annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist. (6mks)

2. a) Explain four missions of Jesus as reflected in Luke 4:18-19. (8mks)
b) Identify occasions in St. Luke's Gospel when Jesus was tempted. (7mks)
b) What do Christian learn about Jesus from His Temptation. (5mks)

3. a) Explain what the miracles of Jesus reveal about His person and ministry. (7mks)
b) What are the teachings of Jesus in the parable of the unfruitful fig tree according to Luke Gospel? (7mks)
c) Identify six reasons why some Christians find it difficult to pray. (6mks)

4. a) What events took place following the death of Jesus? (8mks)
b) Give six reasons why Jesus' disciples were reluctant to listen to the Holy women's Testimony concerning the resurrection of Jesus. (7mks)
c) State five reasons why modern Christians should accept to suffer in Christ's name. (5mks)

5. a) What is Paul's teaching about the gifts of the Holy spirits. (7mks)
b) In which ways did the disciples of Jesus show love for Him. (6mks)
c) What is the impact of HIV/AIDS in Kenyan families? (6mks)

6. a) Explain how the symbolic expression of the vine and branches is used in the New Testament. (8mks)
b) What are the characteristics of the New people of God (1 peter 2:9-10) (6mks)
c) Give six reasons why Christians in Kenya should work in unity. (6mks)

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