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311/1 History And Government Paper 1 Question Paper

311/1 History And Government Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009


1. What was the base of political organization among the cushites during the pre-colonial period? (1mk)

2. State TWO ways in which Abagusii and the Kipsigis interacted during the pre-colonial period. (2 mks)

3. Apart from Fort Jesus mention other social evidence of Portuguese presence in East African coast in pre-colonial period. (1 mk)

4. Name the document which contains the rights of citizens in Kenya. (1 mk)

5. Why did the Bukusu resist the British? (2 mks)

6. Name any parliamantary committee. (1 mk)

7. How did the colonial government encourage whites settlement in Kenya? (1 mk)

8. What is the work of public service commission in Kenya? (1 mk)

9. Define democracy. (1 mk)

10. State the supremacy of parliament. (1 mk)

11. What was the importance of Nyayoism? (1 mk)

12. What hinders rule of law in Kenya. (2 mks)

13. Why do Kenyans remember Oginga Odinga? (1 mk)

14. Give the limitation missionary education in the colonial Kenya. (1 mk)

15. How important was KAU to future politics of Kenya. (1 mk)

16. What's the social role of the armed forces in Kenya? (2 mks)

17. What was common amongst the early political parties in Kenya? (2 mk)

18. What is the importance of national integration? (1 mk)

19. What were the political roles of women in Kenya's struggle for independence? (2 mks)

Answer THREE questions from this section.

20. a) Why did the Akamba migrate to settle where they are today? (5 mks)
b) Discuss the political organization of the Mijikenda. (5 mks)
c) Explain the economic organization of the Somali. (5 mks)

21. a) Why did the Nandi resist the British for so long? (5 mks)
b) Why did the Wanga collaborate with the British? (5 mks)
c) Give the outcome of African resistance to foreign invaders. (5 mks)

22. a) What factors encouraged the Akamba to participate in the long distance trade. (5 mks)
b) Explain the results of Oman Arab rule on the Zenji people. (10 mks)

23. a) Describe socio-economic developments during colonial period in Kenya. (5 mks)
b) Explain the factors, which hastened the achievement of independence in Kenya after 1944. (10 mks)

Answer any TWO question from this section.
24. a) Hightlight FIVE roles played by the Kenyan constitution in the governing the country. (5 mks)
b) Explain the challenges faced by the government of Kenya in implementation of national budget. (10 mks)

25. a) Give functions of the Chief Justice. (5 mks)
b) Explain factors that are likely to interfere with free and fair election in Kenya. (10 mks)

26. b) What challenges have the political parties in Kenya faced in their attempts to promote democracy. (5 mks)
b) What are the functions of leader of government business in the Kenyan parliament? (5 mks)
c) Why should the president be elected in Kenya? (5 mks)

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