C.R.E. Paper 2 Question Paper

C.R.E. Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2011



This paper consist of SIX questions. Answer any FIVE questions.

1. (a) Outline SIX prophecies of the Psalmist about the Messiah. Psalm 110: 1-2, 41:9, 55: 12-14. (6 mks)

b) Describe Zachariah's vision in the temple according to Luke 1:5-23. (7 mks)

c) Give the reasons why some people find it difficult to accept the world of God today. (7 mks)

2. (a) Outline SEVEN activities that took place during the transfiguration of Jesus. Luke 9:28-36. (7 mks)

b) What were the effects of Jesus miracles in his ministry? (7 mks)

c) Mention SIX ways in which the church contributes to the welfare of the people today. (6 mks)

3. (a) Outline the predictions that Jesus made about Eschatology. Luke 21:5-38. (6 mks)

b) State SIX ways in which Jesus revealed himself to the two disciples at Emmaus. Luke 24:13-35. (6 mks)

c) Outline EIGHT teachings of Jesus on commitment to discipleship in Luke's gospel. (8 mks)

4. (a) Identify the ways in which Peter's life was transformed on the day of Pentecost. Acts chapter 2. (8 mks)

(b) State SIX teachings of St. John on the bride in relation to the unity of believers. Rev 21:1-12. (6 mks)

c) Mention ways in which the Holy Spirit manifest Himself in the church today. (6 mks)

5. (a) Explain FOUR differences between the Christian and traditional African view of marriage. (8 mks)

b) Why is courtship important in the African Communities. (6 mks)

c) Give SIX reasons why some Christians are opposed to contraceptives. (6 mks)

6. (a) Explain why the church and state should co-operate. (7 mks)

b) How can Christians promote harmony between the church and state? (7 mks)

c) Give SIX reasons why Christians condemn sexism. (6 mks)

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