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Principles Of Marketing Question Paper

Principles Of Marketing 

Course:Certificate Course In Management

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

Certificate course in management

June 2012 Examination

Subject name: Principles of Management
Date: 6th June 2012

Time: 3 Hours

1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet.
2. Answer any five questions
3. All questions carry equal marks
4. No writing should be done on this question paper
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be Disqualified

1. Discuss the role of marketing in an organization. (10 marks)

b) Explain how demography can influence the marketing of mobile phone services in Kenya. (10 marks)

2. Describe five types of marketing research (10 marks)

b) Explain the marketing research process (10 marks)

3. Explain why a marketer should understand the buying behaviour of a consumer. ( 10 marks)

b) Explain the bases of segmenting fast food services market. (10 marks)

4. Explain the circumstances under which an organization develops a new product (8 marks)

b) Discuss the characteristics of product lifecycle stages. (12 marks)

5. Explain the factors to consider when settng the price of a product. (20 marks)

6. Explain the functional role of distributin in an organization (10 marks)

b) Describe the elements of promotion mix (10 marks)

7. Explain the promotional role of marketing communication (12 marks)

b) Explain the various ypes of communication channels. (8 marks)

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