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Kanga Mock History Paper 2 Question Paper

Kanga Mock History Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

1.identify two sources of information which Historians used to write the History of Africa(2mks)
2.list two economic activities of early man during the stone age period(2mks)
3.give two factors which led to early urbanization in africa(2mks)
4.identify one use of bronze in ancient Benin(1mks)
5.list two forms of communication used to send messages to distant places in the shortest possible time(2mks) two main cash crops that were grown in north america during the agrarian revolution(2mks)
7.(a)what is barter trade (1mks)
(b)identify one limitation of using barter as amethod of trade(1mks)
8.give two functions of buganda traditional parliament(2mks) the empire that was ruled by samori toure during the european invasion of Africa(1mks) two systems of colonial adminstration which were used by the British to administer their colonies in Africa (2mks)
11.give two ways through which Islam has spread in africa by the 19th century(2mks)
12.what is a constitution(1mks) what two ways did the Organization of African Unity(OAU) contribute to the liberation of the Southern African countries(2mks) two agencies of the United Nations Organization(UNO)Which deals with the problem of Health(2mks)
Answer any 3 questions (45mks)
15(a)in what ways did the development of the steam engine contribute to the growth of industries in Europe during the 19th century(3mks)
(b)explain six factors which led to the emergence of Japan as an industrial power after the second world war(12mks)
16.(a)what factors led to the development of trade between North Africa and West Africa during pre-colonial period(3mks)
(b)explain six effects of the trans-saharan trade on West African societies(12mks)
17(a)state three ways in which macadamised roads were an improvement in road transport(3mks)
(b)what were the results of the development of Railway transport in Europe upto the end of the 17th century(12mks)
18(a)why were African independent churches established(3mks)
(b)explain six factors which promoted christian missionary activities in Africa during the 19th century(12mks)
Answer any two questions(30mks)
19.(a)what is the role of the prime minister in Britain(3mks)
(b)explain six functions of the Federal Government of the United States of America(U.S.A)(12mks)
20(a)state five objectives of the Non-aligned movement(5mks)
(b)explain five factors that undermined the activities of the movement since 1947(10mks)
21(a)(i)why was USA reluctant to join world war I During the initial stages(3mks)
(ii)what event prompted USA to join world war in 1917(1mks)
(b)give a reason why central powers were defeated in world war I. .(1mks)
(c)explain five economic results of world war II(10mks)

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