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Research Methodology Question Paper

Research Methodology 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Admnistration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Date: November2012

Total marks: 80
1. Identify and explain the steps involved in the research process, giving the importance of
each step. (6 mks)
2. Explain why measurements are important in research and outline four types of
measurements giving examples in each case. (6 mks)
3. A research hypothesis is a statement about observable phenomenon that may be judged as
true or false.(10 mks)
a) Discuss two categories of research hypotheses
b) Highlight steps used in testing the hypothesis
c) Explain the important characteristics of hypotheses used in research.
4. Describe the characteristics of a good literature review. (6 mks)
5. Outline the purpose of theory in research. (6 mks)
6. Explain the four essential elements of a complete theory. (8 mks)
7. Explain four methods of probability sampling, using appropriate examples in your
field.(10 mks)
8. Describe three methods that could be used to conduct a qualitative research. (6mks)
9. Questionnaires are very important tools in research that must be carefully designed.
a) Explain the characteristics of a good questionnaire. (6 mks)
b) Outline strategies for maximizing questionnaire response rates. (6 mks)
10. Explain the different types of variables, giving an example for each. (6 mks)
11. Experimental designs are mainly used to determine cause-effect relationship between
variables by controlling confounding variables. Explain four strategies that can be used
for controlling confounding variables. (6 mks)
12. Describe four factors that affect: (8 mks)
a) Internal Validity of an experiment
b) External Validity of an experiment

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