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Lugulu Girls High School Business Studies Form End Year 1 Question Paper

Lugulu Girls High School Business Studies Form End Year 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2004

1.state four services provided by the office to reproduce documents(4mks)
2.state four characteristics of a good filing system(4mks)
3.state four features of a landscape office(4mks)
4.state four steps an office can take to safeguard its property(4mks)
5.elimu academy has finished the construction of anew tuition block .state four factors that will be taken into consideration when shopping for furniture(4mks)
6.state four reasons why the use of a computers is now a must in many offices(4mks)
7.explain the following secondary human wants(4mks)
(a)love and belonging
(c)self -actualization
(d)knowledge and understanding
8.highlight four characteristics of human wants(4mks)
9.state four ways in which the productivity of human resources can be enhanced(4mks)
10.distinguish between direct and indirect production(4mks)
11.state four characteristics of capital as a factor of production(4mks)
12.highlight four reasons why there is a search for greener pastures in labour force(4mks)
13.miss .Njoki is anewly employed accountant with cooper motors.state four qualities required of her under personal attributes(4mks)
14.explain the following terms
15.highlight four reasons why Kenya has joined regional trading blocs(4mks)
16.give four characteristics of agood retailer(4mks)
17.highlight four services offered by aretailer to awholesaler or producer(4mks)
18.state four requirements of buying goods on hire purchase (4mks)
19.distinguish in four ways a kiosk from a departmental store(4mks)
20.recently professor Wangari Maathai won nobel peace award for her efforts in promoting environmental issues.highlight four lessons that an entrepreneur should learn from her(4mks)
21.recently the government has started regional authorities to provide water to institutions and communities around.highlight four benefits(4mks)
22.explain four functions of an office(4mks)
2d.highlight four reasons why it has proved difficult for small scale business entreprises to expand their activities(4mks)
24.highlight four emerging issues in business management(4mks)
25. State four factors of production(4mks)

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