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Lodwar High School History And Government Paper 2 Question Paper

Lodwar High School History And Government Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

Oct/Nov 2012

This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.
Answer ALL the questios in section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions in section C.

Answer ALL questions in this section.
1. What is political history? (1 mk)

2. Give the significance of isolation in Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. (2 mks)

3. Give TWO advantages of drilling machine invented by Jethro Tull in 1701 (2 mks)

4. Give the main contribution of Agrarian Revolution in Britain to agriculture in the USA (2 mks)

5. What role did the Island of Arguin play during Trans-Atlantic trade? (1 mk)

6. Give the category of old stone age tool found at Olduvai Gorge. (1 mk)

7. List TWO items acquired from Europe during the Trans Atlantic trade. (2 mks)

8. How did the Trans Atlantic trade influence colonization of West African. (2 mks)

9. Who invented the modern portable cell phone. (1 mk)

10. What was the contribution of Joseph Lister in medicine. (1 mk)

11. Give TWO ways in which industrial status influenced growth of London. (2 mks)

12. What was the main principle of Dual Mandate? (1 mk)

13. State THREE ways in which Kwame Nkurumah inspired other African countries to acquire political independence after Ghana's independence. (3 mks)

14. State TWO challenges faced by the Ghananian nationalists in the struggle for independence. (2 mks)

15. State the main advantage of wood as a source of energy? (1 mk)

16. State ONE judicial role of Lukiiko of Buganda apart from making laws. (1 mk)

17. Name the leader of the Royj Niger Company. (1 mk)

Answer any THREE questions in this section

18. a) Identify educational impact of early agriculture in Egypt. (3 mks)
b) Explain reasons that enhanced development of early Agriculture in Egypt. (12 mks)

19. a) In what FIVE ways did the invention of the wheel impact on road transport? (5 mks)
b) Explain FIVE advantages of Macadamized roads. (10 mks)

20. a) What factors that influenced the development of early urban centres in Africa. (7 mks)
b) What are the set backs industrialization efforts in India. (10 mks)

21. a) Why did Lewanika collaborated with the British? (5 mks)
b) Explain terms of corydon treaty of 1898. (10 mks)

Answer any TWO questions from this section.
22. a) State THREE economic factors that led to the growth of Asante Empire in the pre-colonial period. (3 mks)
b) Describe the social organization of Asante Kingdom in the pre-colonial period. (12 mks)

23. a) State THREE characterics of third world countries. (3 mks)
b) Explain SIX factors that have hinderd fast industrialization in the third word countries. (12 mks)

24. a) State FIVE factors which contributed to the development of the Trans Saharan trade. (5 mks)
b) Explain FIVE factors that led to the decline of the Trans Saharan. (10 mks)

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