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Introduction To Law Question Paper

Introduction To Law 

Course:Certificate Course In Management

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

Certificate course in management

March 2010 Examination

Subject name: Introduction to Law

Time: 3 Hours

1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet.
2. Answer any five questions
3. All questions carry equal marks
4. No writing should be done on this question paper
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be Disqualified

1. In relation to law of persons, explain the legal personality of

I) Characteristics of a corporation (5 marks)

ii) Creation of corporations (5 marks)

b) Distinguish clearly between civil law and criminal law (10 marks)

2. Discuss in detail customary law as a source of Kenyan laws (20 marks)

3. Define an easement and explain how an easement may be acquired (10 marks)
b) Describe the jurisdictions of the High court of Kenya (10 marks)

4. Detail the provisions of the succession act relating to wills and capacity to make a will (8 marks)

b) Distinguish between
i) Sale and agreement to sell (6 marks)
ii) Law and morality (6 marks)

5. Discuss any five rules governing statutory interpretations (10 marks)

b) Define a lease and explain the ways by which a lease may be terminated (10 marks)

6. Bring out clearly the points of distinction between companies and partnerships (20 marks)

7. Explain the problems of the common law that led to the development of equity and indicate how equity dealt with each (12 marks)

b) Describe the need for and purposed of law in Kenya (8 marks)

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