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Principles Of Marketing Question Paper

Principles Of Marketing 

Course:Certificate Course In Management

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

Certificate course in management

March 2010 Examination

Subject name: Principles of Marketing

Time: 3 Hours

1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet.
2. Answer any five questions
3. All questions carry equal marks
4. No writing should be done on this question paper
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be Disqualified

1. Describe the five micro environmental factors that might influence the organization’s ability to exploit the marketing opportunities (20 marks)

b) Describe with examples the requirements for effective segmentation (15marks)

2. Define market segmentation (5 marks)
b) Describe with examples the requirement s for effective segmentation (15 marks)

3. Describe the subsystems of physical distribution system (10marks)
b) Describe with examples the requirements for effective segmentation (15 marks)

4. Describe the psychological factors that might influence the purchase behavior of a consumer intending to buy a foot wear product (8 marks)

b) Explain the benefits of developing effective marketing information system (12 marks)

5. Define a product (4 marks)

b) Describe product classification on the basis of the market type (16 marks)

6. Distinguish the marketing approach during the industrial revolution and the present day. (10 marks)

b) Explain giving examples the importance of marketing in society (10 marks)

7. Define the term personal selling (4 marks)

b) Explain the role of personal selling in the promotional process (6 marks)

c) Discuss the advantages of Radio as a promotional tool in the rural market of Kenya over television (10 marks)

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