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Kanga High School Form 1 C.R.E Question Paper

Kanga High School Form 1 C.R.E 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2007

1.give the importance of studying C.R.E(5mks)
2.explain the factors that qualify the Bible as word of God(5mks)
3.identify the languages in which the Bible was written before coming of the missionaries(5mks)
4.describe the effect of the translation of the Bible into African languages(5mks)
5.identify areas where the Bible is used in society today(5mks)
6.give reasons why reading the Bible is used in society today(5mks)
7.explain the reasons why the Bible was written down after the death and ressurection of Jesus christ(5mks)
8.state the causes of sins according to the Biblical story of creatiom(5mks)
9.identify the characteristics of God from the creation story(5mks)
10.explain the reasons why man is considered aspecial creation of God(5mks)
11.outline the results of sin according to the Biblical story of creation(5mks)
12.give out the responsibilities given by God to man in the Genesis story(5mks)
13.describe the similarities of Biblical concept of sin and African view of evil(5mks)
14.give five differences between the two creation accounts(5mks)
15.identify the results of evil in traditional African society(5mks)
16.outline ways in which God speaks to christians today(5mks)
17.list attributes of God according to the Biblical creation stories(5mks)
18.identify five examples of historical books in the Bible(5mks)
19.give five examples of the version of the Bibles used in Kenya(5mks)
20.give five human authors of the Bible(5mks)

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