Kanga High School Form One C.R.E Cat 2 Question Paper
Kanga High School Form One C.R.E Cat 2
Institution: Form 1 question papers
Exam Year:2007
1.outline five reasons why the bible is referred to a library of books(5mks)
2.mention the last five books of the Old Testament(5mks)
3.state five attributes of God according to Genesis 1 and 2 (5mks)
4.explain five challenges that Abraham faced inspite his unique relationship with God(5mks)
5.why was Abraham called by God(5mks)
6.outline reasons why marriage is considered as a type of covenant(5mks)
7.state the instances in Moses' life that showed God had prepared him for his future role(5mks)
8.why was Moses reluctant to lead the Israelites from Egypt(5mks)
9.Outline five similarities between Jewish and African circumcision(5mks)
10.State five books normally referred to as apocrypha(5mks)
11.Name the animals that Abraham was required to bring during his covenant (5mks)
12.Identify five consequences of sin according to Genesis chapter 3(5mks)
13.State five lessons a christian can learn from the call of Moses(5mks)
14.Name ten plagues that befell the Egyptians(10mks)
15.Explain the significance of the actions of the passover meal on the night of exodus(5mks)
16.What were the Israelites instructed to do during the night of passover(5mks)
17. Outline the ten beatitudes(10mks)
18.Give the first five commandments in their order(5mks)
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