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Allidina Visram High School Question Paper

Allidina Visram High School 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Paper 1
Time:2 1/2 Hours
July/August 2009
Answer ONLY five questions.
1.(a)State the provisions given to man by God in the creation stories.(6 marks) (b)Mention the attributes of God as portrayed in the Genesis stories of creation.(8 marks) (c)What are the consequences of breaking taboos in Traditional African communities.(6 marks) 2.(a)Explain reasons why Abraham is referred to as the Father of faith.(8 marks) (b)Explain the regulations that God gave Moses about the passover.(7 marks) (c)What is the importance of the Dialogue to Christians today.(5 marks) 3.(a)State the characteristics of the Cannanite religion.(5 marks)(b)Explain the circumstances which led to the spread of idolatry in Israel.(7 marks)(c)Discuss the relevance of Elijah's prophetic mission to the modern Christians.(8 marks) 4.(a)Explain the importance of prophets in Israel.(6 marks)(b)Describe Jeremiah's teachings on judgement and punishment.(8 marks)(c)What lessons do Christians learn from Jeremiah's teachings on evil and false prophets?(6 marks) 5.(a)What is the importance of myths in Traditional African Society.(7 marks)(b)List Traditional African practices which show that life is sacred.(7 marks)(c)State the Traditional African beliefs about spirits.(6 marks) 6.(a)Outline the importance of Kinship in the Traditional African Society.(8 marks)(b)In what ways did the healer act as a counselor in the Traditimal African Society.(7 marks)(c)How has the Kenyan Government promoted the African culture.(5 marks)

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