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Kanga High School Form One Business Studies Question Paper

Kanga High School Form One Business Studies 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2007

1.indicate whether the following is internal or external business environment(4mks)
(a)financial resources
(b)physical resources
(c)culture and beliefs
(d)business policy
2.mention four ways in which a business should be responsible to its customers(4mks)
3.mention any four auxilliary services to the business(4mks)
4.list any four natural environmental factors that may influence the business(4mks)
5.mention any four reasons why human beings usually make a choice between competing needs(4mks)
6.define the following terms as used in business studies
(ii)opportunity cost
(iv)scale of preference
7.mention four factors that can encourage geographical mobility of labour(4mks)
8.state the level of production in which the following belong
(a)road building
(b)sugar processing
(c)banking service
9.state whether the following are renewable or non-renewable(4mks)
(b)solar energy
10.mention any four features of direct production(4mks)
11.state any four importance of entrepreneurship to the country(4mks)
12.state the advantages of a good filing system(4mks)
13.mention any four common departments in an organization(4mks)
14.state any four importance of ethics in the organization(4mks)
15.state any four advantages of indirect production(4mks)
16.state whether the following types of labour are skilled,unskilled or semi-skilled
17.state four factors that may limit performance of labour(4mks)
18.list any four features of land as a factor of production(4mks)
19.mention whether the following are man-made,natural or human resources
(a)factory mechanic
(b)hydro-electric power
(c)solar energy
21.define the following as used in business studies(4mks)
(a)consumer goods
(b)producer goods
(c)human needs
(d)human wants
22.mention four problems faced by man in satisfaction of human wants(4mks)
23.lìst any four effects of pollution on business activities(4mks)
24.mention the four components of business studies(4mks)
25.list any four economic factors that affect the business(4mks)

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