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Lghs Form 2 End Year Business Studies Question Paper

Lghs Form 2 End Year Business Studies 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2006

1.highlight four ways through which the government engages itself in commercial activities(4mks)2.SACCOS are non-bank financial institutions,write four functions of sacco's(4mks)3.state four circumstances under which goods may delay in bonded warehouses(4mks)4.highlight four reasons why business have resorted into use of electronic mail instead of post mails nowadays(4mks)5.explain the benefits consumers get from government involvement in business(4mks)6.outline four disadvantages to a trader who stores goods in a public warehouse(4mks)7.Athi river which used to be a private company has been transformed to a public limited company.Highlight four advantages the company is to achieve through this(4mks)8.identify four ways that the government can use to create a conducive environment for business(4mks)9.identify any four emerging issues that have affected government and business activities in the rest part(4mks)10.identify the principles of Insurance that relate to the following descriptions(4mks)(a)insuring same property by more than one insurer(b)risk that leads to direct financial loss to the insurer(c)the insurer is only supposed to replace the value of property lost as a result of risk occuring but not more(d) insurer is supposed to disclose all relevant details concerning property or life to be which four circumstances would it be suitable to dissolve co-operative society(4mks)12.highlight four disadvantages of cartages as a means of transpost(4mks)13. State any four reasons occupational mobility of labour is low in Kenya(4mks)14.outline four circumstances under which a public limited company may be dissolved(4mks)15.highlight four reasons why the government trains business people(4mks)16.mention four emerging issues in matatu industry(4mks)17.state four roles played by insurance companies in an economy(4mks)18.state four services that facilitate communication(4mks)19.state four means of payment provided by a commercial bank(4mks)20.give four reasons why atrader may not use oral communication in his dealings with customers(4mks)21.state four ways in which office documents can be reproduced(4mks)22.outline four differences between a private warehouse and a bonded warehouse(4mks)23.outline four advantages of sole proprietorship(4mks)24.highlight four principles of insurance(4mks) four features of limited corporations(4mks)

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