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Lugulu Girls High School Business  Question Paper

Lugulu Girls High School Business  

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2005

1.mention four features of agood filing system(4mks)
2.highlight four problems faced by consumers in their attempts to satisfy their wants(4mks)
3.state four reasons why Kenya should develop alternative source of energy instead of relying on oil as amajor source of energy(4mks)p four factors that would influence an office manager when making the choice of office equipment(4mks)
5.outline four limitations of containerisation(4mks)
6.outline four benefits of becoming amember of a sacco(4mks)
7.state four services rendered by a wholesaler to a trader(4mks)
8.outline four ways in which the government protects consumers in Kenya(4mks)
9.give four requirements for the formation of apartner ship(4mks)
10.highlight four factors that have hindered railway expansion in Kenya(4mks)
11.state four differences between apartnership and a public company form of business(4mks)
12.outline four benefits of a cell phone over a fixed land line phone(4mks)
13.state four features of human wants(4mks)
14.outline four benefits a consumer would get by buying goods on credit(4mks)
15.highlight four features of an efficient transport system(4mks)
16.outline four features of a supermarket(4mks)
17.mention four benefits of the introduction of safety measures on passenger service vehicles in Kenya(4mks)
18.mention four disadvantages of oral communication(4mks)
19.give four reasons why a cheque would be rejected(4mks)
20.mention four features of private limited company(4mks)7
21.give four reasons why the government can decide to privatise some of her firms(4mks)
22.highlight four benefits of a seller who sells his goods on cash basis(4mks)
23.outline four ways in which a government may participate in business activities(4mks)
24.mention four types of retail trade business under small scale without premises(4mks)
25.highlight four desirable qualities of an office worker(4mks)

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