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Business Research Methods Question Paper

Business Research Methods 

Course:Diploma Course In Management Section 2

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

Diploma course in management

Section II

December 2011 Examination

Organizational behavior

Time: 3 Hours

1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet.
2. Answer any five questions
3. All questions carry equal marks
4. No writing should be done on this question paper
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be Disqualified

1.Discuss the circumstances under which it would be more appropriate to use a census rather than a sample in research (10 marks)

b)Highlight the factors that you would consider when deciding on the size of the sample you intend to use in your research project (10 marks)

2.Research is a very important activity in any society. Critical discuss this statement giving specific real life examples (20 marks)

3.Differentiate a reference and a bibliography and state the importance of a reference in research. (10 marks)

b) Explain how you would write the reference section of your work using the American psychological association format. Illustrate you explanation using a hypothetical example !(10marks)

4.Discuss hypothesis in research clearly showing the different types of research hypothesis. Formulate examples of research hypothesis to illustrate your answers in each case. (10 marks)

b) Briefly explain the advantages of questionnaires as data collection instruments. (10 marks)

5.One of the most important considerations that a researcher should always keep in mind is to observe ethical issues while undertaking his research. Discuss the various ethical issues that you would advice researchers to observe. (20 marks)

6.The research proposal is a very important document in any research work. Define a research proposal and explain the various types of research proposals. (10 marks)
b) Discuss the importance of a research proposal in research. (10 marks)

7. Research has been classified differently b y different scholars. Discuss the criteral that such scholars use to classify research (20 marks)

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