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Aeb 302: Crop Protection  Question Paper

Aeb 302: Crop Protection  


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2006

instructions : you will be given one answer booklet for each section.
answer all questions.
1. a) Define the following with respect to plant disease(6 marks)
i) pathogen
ii) pathogenicity
iii) resistance
b) Describe the steps in identification of a plant disease caused by a biotic agents. (10marks)
c) Briefly outline the plant disease triangle concept (4marks)

2. a) Describe the different categories of crop pests. (10marks)
b) Describe how insects caiuse damage to plants before harvest.(10 marks)

3 a) State five ways in which weeds affect crop production .(10marks)
b) Discuss the principle of integrated pest management. (15marks)

4. State four ways by which plant diseases maybe classified. (5marks)
5. Give two examples of diseases causing agents in each of the following agents of plant diseases
i) Fungi
ii) Bacteria
iii) viruses
iv) Nematodes
v) Parasitic higher plants
In each case, state the name of disease, scientific name of casual agent and crop affected. (10 marks)
6. Briefly describe any of the passive methods of dissemination of plant pathogens.(5marks)

7. Briefly describe cultural methods of controlling pest and diseases. (10Marks)

8. Describe how pests with biting and chewing mouth parts cause damage to crops.(5marks)

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