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Business Law Question Paper

Business Law 

Course:Diploma Course In Management Section 1

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2009

Diploma course in management

Section I

June 2009 Examination

Business Law

Time: 3 Hours

1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet.
2. Answer any five questions
3. All questions carry equal marks
4. No writing should be done on this question paper
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be Disqualified

1. Ordinarily, the doctrine of Nemo dat quod non habet recognizes the in ability of anon owner of goods to transfer and or pass a good title to a third party. Explain any five exceptions to this general doctrine.. (12 marks)

b) Explain the recognized duties of an agent in an agency relationship (8 marks)

2. Intellectual property seeks to protect the products of an individual's intellect. Concisely discuss the various conditions for paterntability.. (8 marks)

b) Explain the tort of passing off as understood under the law on trademarks. (6 marks)

c). Briefly discuss any three remedies available to an owner of a copright in the event of its infringement (6 marks)

3. Write brief notes on the following (20 marks)

i) Defamation
ii) The torts of trespass
iii) Doctirne of Res ipsa Loquitur
iv) Remedies for breach of contract

4. With specific reference to the law of agency, discuss any four ways through which agency relationship may be created (12 marks)

b) Explain the various rights of an agent in the course of the agency relationship (8 marks)

5. Discuss the requirement as to capacity, consideration, signature as well as delivery of Bills of Exchange as recognized under the law on negotiable instruments. (20 marks)

6. Distinguish between

a) Strict liability and vicarious liability (5 marks)
b) Bill of exchange and promissory note. (5 marks)
c) Credit sale and conditional sale (5 marks)
d) Copyright and trademark (5 marks)

7. The termination of a contract frees the parties thereto from further obligations under the same contract Outline and explain the various ways through which a contract may be terminated . (12 marks)

b) Concisely discuss the modes through which negotiable instruments are discharged. (8 marks)

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