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Practice Of Management Question Paper

Practice Of Management 

Course:Diploma Course In Management Section 2

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2009

Diploma course in management

Section I

June 2009 Examination

Practice of Management

Time: 3 Hours

1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet.
2. Answer any five questions
3. All questions carry equal marks
4. No writing should be done on this question paper
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be Disqualified

1. Outline and discuss the desional roles that a modern manager is required to perform in his her organization (10 marks)

b) You have been promoted to a senior management position by one of the multinational company in your country. Briefly discuss the steps you should take to improve co-operation within a cross functional teams in your organization. (10 marks)

2. Critically examine, four appropriate instruments in the man power tool kit that can be applied to facilitate man power strategy (10 marks)

b) BEB Airways has hired you as a change agent consultant. As part of your work, you are supposed to make a presentation to a group of newly promoted head of department on the topic change management. Outline and critically evaluate different techniques that you should advise the newly promoted Manager to employ to manager change in their departments. (10 marks)

3. Define the term structure and explain the components of organizational structure
(10 marks)

b) Explain methods of job designs (10 marks)

4. Describe any four potential pitfalls of job rotation as a method of job design
(10 marks)

b) Outline the major benefits of human resource planning for an organization (10 marks)

5. A workshop has been organized for trainee managers on the theme rational decision making process in your organization. Assuming that you have been invited to give lecture on the theme, briefly state and explain the steps that you will advice the trainee managers to follow in the process of decision making on a problem in their new organization. (10 marks)

6. Define the term management by objectives and briefly evaluate the benefits and limitation that a given organization and its employees would derive from use of management objectives (20 marks)

7. Critically examine the contributions and limitations of scientific management as propounded by Fredrick W. Taylor in modern management (20 marks)

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