Chemistry Question Paper
Course:Secondary Level
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2012
Njoro boys high school module 1 form 1
1. What is Chemistry?
2. State five roles of chemistry 3. What is a laboratory? b)state five rules and regulations you should observe in a laboratory 4. State four ways used to classify apparatus in a laboratory b) Give four apparatus used to measure accurate volume
5. Explain why most laboratory apparatus are made of transparent glass
6. State the sources of heat used in the laboratory
7. Give three major parts of a bunsen burner
8. State two types of flames produced by the bunsen burner
b) state four differences between the two types of flames
c) explain why the non-luminous flame is preffered for heating
9. Define a mixture
b) give three types of mixtures
10. State any three subliming substances
11. Define:
12. What is a saturated solution
13. State three ways used to separate immiscible liquids
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