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Business Studies Form Two Question Paper

Business Studies Form Two 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2012


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in spaces provided

1. State any five characteristics of a sole trading business (5mks)

2. State four contents of a partnership deed (4mks)

3. Define the term limited liability

4. Give any five factors that may lead to business failure (5mks)

5. Name four details (contents) of a delivery note as a document used in home trade (4mks)

6. State five contents of articles of association (5mks)

7. Name any five benefits of joining a SACCO (4mks)

8. Highlight five advantages of small scale retailers (5mks)

9. State four ways in which the government provides enabling environment to businessmen (4mks)

10. State four reasons of licensing of trading activities (4mks)

11. Give any four sources of capital for a cooperative society (4mks)

12. Name any advantages of office machines (4mks)

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