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Agriculture:Livestock Production Question Paper

Agriculture:Livestock Production 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

1.Describe the management of dairy heifer calf under the following subheadings
d.routine practices
2.Describe the effects of parasite on livestock
b.Explain the factors that influence daily water requirement of a dairy cow
c.Explain how physical methods are used to control ticks in a herd of cattle
3.Describe the disease pre-disposing factors in livestock
b.What are the differences between ruminants and non ruminants
4.Outline the main importance of keeping livestock
b.State the causes of low libido in bulls
c.Describe the factors considered when selecting a breeding stock
5.Describe the lifecycle of a three-host tick
b.Discuss mechanical methods of controlling ticks
6.Describe the management activities that a poultry farmer would carry out to reduce stress in a flock of layers
b.Name two protozoa that cause livestock diseases and are transmitted by ticks
7.Describe the digestion of grass in the rumen of a ruminant
b.Describe the Lifecycle of a tapeworm
c.Give four methods of controlling tapeworms
8.Discuss the management practices that are necessary for improving production in goats
9.Discuss Brucelosis under the following subtopics
i.Causal organisms
b.Explain the importance of keeping livestock healthy
10.State the effects of internal parasites in livestock production
11.Describe the management practice carried out on a female calf from birth to weaning
12.Explain the management practices that a farmer could carry out to improve milk production in a low yielding dairy cow

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