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Cre Paper 1 Answers Question Paper

Cre Paper 1 Answers 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2011

July/August 2011



1. (a) Ways in which CRE promotes national unity
- Teaches on moral values e.g. love, cooperation
- Teaches on social equality of all races, tribes
- Teaches on self-respect and respect of others
- Teaches on need to respect our religion and those of others
- Promotes our culture - to respect our culture and that of others
- Encourages respect to authority, laws of the country
- Promotes international consciousness.
- The subject is studied by students of different religious backgrounds
Any 4 x 2 = 8mks
(b) 6 reasons why Bible is referred to as the word of God.
- Authors were inspired by the holy spirit
- God took part in writing e.g 10 commandments
- Contains predictions that came to pass
- Contains God’s will for human beings
- Contains expressions e.g. ‘thus says the lord’ to show that the prophets wrote what God told them
- Contains God’s revelation to human beings through Jesus Christ
Any 6 x 1 = 6mks
(c) 6 ways in which Christians obey instructions given by God in creation stories.
- Conserving the environment
- Procreation
- Marry and get married
- Observing the Sabbath
- Taking care of wild life, domestic animals
- Working
- Scientific inventions
Any 6 x 1 = 6mks

2. (a) From the call of Moses, 5 reasons why he was reluctant to accept the task given by God.
- Felt unworthy, inadequate, lacked confidence
- He did not know God’s name
- Was not eloquent, was a stammerer
- He was afraid because he had killed an Egyptian
- Thought the people would not believe that God had sent him
- Feared that the Israelites would not accept him as their leader
- He lacked identity. Any 5 x 2 = 10mks
(b) 5 roles of Moses in Israel
- Prophet
- Law-giver
- Leader
- God’s spokesman
- Liberator
- Mediator
- Intercessor
Any 5 x1 = 5mks
(c) 5 problems church leaders face in their work today
- Lack of money and resources
- Lack of cooperation from church members
- Harassment from civil authorities
- Temptations
- Competition from other denominations and other religions
- Too much demand on their time and services by church members
- Challenges from modern science and technology e.g. cloning
- Cultural barriers
- Unpopularity due to their teachings

3. (a) 6 reasons why Samuel was against kingship in Israel
- Was a rejection of the theocratic rule of God
- Could lead to forced labour
- The king would grab their land
- They would lose their identity as the covenant people
- It would be hard to replace oppressive rulers in the hereditary system
- Their daughters would be forced to work at the king’s palace
- Would heavily tax them
- Would be a dictator
Any 6 x 1 = 6mks
(b) Ways in which David promoted worship of Yahweh in Israel.
- Made Jerusalem centre of worship
- Composed many psalms used in worship
- Showed respect of God’s prophets
- Repented after sinning
- Sought God’s guidance and thanked him after successes
- Advised others to obey God and led Israelites to true worship of God
- Brought ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem
- Praised God through song and dance originated with idea of building a temple for God.
- Originated with idea of building a temple for God.
Any 7 x 1 = 7mks

(c) Lessons for church leaders from David’s leadership
- Courageousness, bravery
- They should lead people to God
- To obey God for blessings from him
- God is not a respector of persons. He punishes whoever sins
- Should promote justice in society
- Should depend on God protection and guidance
- Should worship and praise God.
Any 7 x 1 = 7mks
4. (a) Characteristics of true prophets in the old testament
- Responded to God’s call in obedience
- Faced opposition
- Acknowledged only one God
- Understood nature of their prophecies
- Led righteous lives
- Were courageous, fearless
- Warned people of impending danger
- Acted as mediators between God and the people
- Received revelation from God
- Were prayerful.
Any 5 x 1 = 5mks
(b) Visions of Amos and their significance
- Great swarm of locusts – showed the disaster God would bring to punish their evils.
- Supernatural fire burning up the land – God was angry with their evil ways
- Plumbing against the crooked wall – showed the evil ways of the Israelites
- Basket of ripe fruit – showed that the time was ripe for punishment
- Destruction of the altar – showed God would destroy the shrines of idol worship and no one would escape judgment
Vision mention 1 mark explanation 1mark 5 x 2 = 10mks
(c) 5 evils in society today that Amos would have condemned
- Bribery and corruption
- Cheating in business (dishonesty)
- Sexual immorality
- Devil worship
- Oppression and exploitation of the poor by the rich
- Drunkenness
- Pride in material possessions
Any 5 x 1 = 5mks
5. (a) 4 reasons why Jeremiah condemned human sacrifice
- It was against the commandment ‘do not kill’
- It defiled the land
- It was a foreign practice
- It was a practice of idolatry
- Showed lack of respect to sanctity of life
- It showed lack of knowledge for God
Any 4 x 2 = 8mks
(b) 5 characteristics of the new covenant foretold by Jeremiah
- Would be written on people’s hearts
- Everyone would know God personally
- Would be everlasting
- Everyone would be responsible for their own sins
- God would forgive their sins
- Would establish a new people of God
- Would be after punishment
Any 5 x 1 = 5mks
(c) 7 lessons Christians can learn from Jeremiah
- To endure suffering
- To expect persecution, rejection
- To trust in God always
- To beware of false prophets/prophecies/teachings
- God’s words come to fulfilment
- God protects and empowers servants
- To have reverence for God.
Any 7 x 1 = 7mks
6.(a) Importance of kinship in traditional African society
- Defines roles of individuals
- Regulates behaviour
- Regulates relationships, marriage
- Determines punishment
- Unites its members
- Settles disputes
- Gives sense of belonging, identity
- Gives sense of security
- Takes care of unfortunate members
Any 7 x 1= 7mks
(b) 6 responsibilities of living towards ancestors
- Pouring libations
- Consulting them
- Naming children after them
- Setting aside shrines in their honour
- Taking care of their graves
- Praising them through song and dance
- Invoking their names
Any 6 x 1= 6mks
(c) 7 ways in which Christians honour God today
- Prayers and fasting
- Offerings
- Song and dance
- Attending church services
- Respecting and supporting religious leaders
- Preaching
- Reading the Bible
- Repenting their sins
- Obeying His commandments
7 x 1 = 7mks

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