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Kericho District English Paper 1 Question Paper

Kericho District English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

Functional Skills
July / August 2008
2 ½ hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)

July / August 2008


? Write your name, Index number and School name in the spaces provided above.
? Answer all questions in this question paper.
? All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.

For examiner’s use only

Question Maximum Score
1 20
2 10
3 30

This paper consists of 6 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.

Question 1
You are the Secretary of the Writers’ Club in your school. You have been asked to take minutes of the proceedings of your meeting. Include the following information.
(i) Eight members were present
(ii) Two members sent their apologies
(iii) A member did not turn up for the meeting
(iv) The patron of the Club was present together with the District Children’s Officer.
(v) Two items were raised under matters arising.
(vi) There were two items in the main agenda.

Question 2
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.
A letter of 1¬_________or adjustment should be written when you 2___________ the wrong merchandise, when it is damaged, 3________________ when for some other reason you are dissatisfied with a product or service. 4_________, a letter of complaint is not a “ gripe” letter. Avoid an angry, sarcastic, or vulgar 5_________. Instead,simply give the reasons why you are 6___________, and state how you would like the company to 7 __________your complaint.
Most companies are interested 8_________ hearing from you. If you are not happy with 9___________ purchase, you probably will not buy that brand again. This is of great 10____________ to the seller.
Question 3
(a)Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
Sprawled in the dust outside the Asian store,
a target for small children, dogs and flies,
a heap of verminous rags and matted hair,
He watches us with cunning, reptile eyes,
His noiseless, small poxed face creased in a sneer.

Sometimes he shows his yellow stumps of teeth
And whines for alms, perceiving that we bear
The curse of pity; a grotesque mask of death,
With hands like claws about his begging bowl

But often he is lying all alone
Within the shadow of a crumbling wall
Lost in the trackless jungle of his pain
clutching the pitiless red earth in vain
and whimpering like a stricken animal.
Raymond Tong

(i) If you were performing this poem, how would you say lines 8 and 9? (2mks)

(ii) What tone would you adopt when saying stanza three? (2mks)

(iii) Which words would you stress in line 12 and why? (2mks)

(iv) Imagine you were a performer rendering the poem orally, what attitude towards the ‘he’ in the
poem?would you expose to the audience? (2mks)

(b) Put the words below in the correct column according to their vowel sound (6mks)
rule, cool, floor, bush, goods, oar
1 /? / 2 /u:/ 3 /?:/

(c) For each of the words below, write two sentences to bring out the meaning of the word as a noun and as a verb (6mks)
(i) Contract

(ii) Abstract

(iii) Respect

(d) (i) You have been invited to attend an interview. Explain three ways in which you will enhance your performance before the interviewing panel. (3mks)

(ii) Your school is participating in a debate and the motion is “Parents should let
children decide their own destiny.” How would you ensure that your arguments are convincing? (4mks)

(iii)You are one of the three students chosen to negotiate in a dispute involving members of your class and another class. What negotiation skills will you employ to ensure an amicable resolution is reached? (3mks)

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