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Maths Topic 3 Questions Form 1 Question Paper

Maths Topic 3 Questions Form 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2010


1. Akinyi bought and beans from a wholesaler. She then mixed the maize and beans in the ratio 4:3 she bought the maize at Kshs 21 per kg and the beans 42 per kg. If she was to make a profit of 30%. What should be the selling price of 1 kg of the mixture?
2. Water flows from a tap at the rate of 27 cm3 per second into a rectangular container of length 60 cm, breadth 30 cm and height 40 cm. If at 6.00 PM the container was half full, what will be the height of water at 6.04 pm?
3. Two businessmen jointly bought a minibus which could ferry 25 paying passengers when full. The fare between two towns A and B was Kshs 80 per passenger for one way. The minibus made three round trips between the two towns daily. The cost of fuel was Kshs 1500 per day. The driver and the conductor were paid daily allowances of Kshs 200 and Kshs 150 respectively.
A further Kshs 4000 per day was set aside for maintenance, insurance and loan repayment.
(a) (i) How much money was collected from the passengers that day?
(ii) How much was the net profit?
(b) On another day, the minibus was 80% full on the average for the three round trips, how much did each businessman get if the day’s profit was shared in the ratio 2:3?
4. Wainaina has two dairy farms, A and B. Farm A produces milk with 3 ¼ percent fat and farm B produces milk with 4 ¼ percent fat.
(a) Determine
(i) The total mass of milk fat in 50 kg of milk from farm A and 30 kg of milk from farm B
(ii) The percentage of fat in a mixture of 50kg of milk A and 30kg of milk from B
(b) The range of values of mass of milk from farm B that must be used in a 50kg mixture so that the mixture may have at least 4 percent fat.
5. In the year 2001, the price of a sofa set in a shop was Kshs 12,000
(a) Calculate the amount of money received from the sales of 240 sofa sets that year.
(b) (i) In the year 2002 the price of each sofa set increased by 25% while
the number of sets sold decreased by 10%. Calculate the percentage increase in the amount received from the sales
(ii) If the end of year 2002, the price of each sofa set changed in the ratio 16: 15, calculate the price of each sofa set in the year 2003.

(c) The number of sofa sets sold in the year 2003 was P% less than the number sold in the year 2001.
Calculate the value of P, given that the amounts received from sales if the two years were equal.
6. A solution whose volume is 80 litres is made up of 40% of water and 60% of alcohol. When x litres of water is added, the percentage of alcohol drops to 40%.
(a) Find the value of x
(b) Thirty litres of water is added to the new solution. Calculate the percentage of alcohol in the resulting solution
(c) If 5 litres of the solution in (b) above is added to 2 litres of the original solution, calculate in the simplest form, the ratio of water to that of alcohol in the resulting solution.
7. Three business partners, Asha, Nangila and Cherop contributed Kshs 60,000, Kshs 85,000 and Kshs 105, 000 respectively. They agreed to put 25% of the profit back into business each year. They also agreed to put aside 40% of the remaining profit to cater for taxes and insurance. The rest of the profit would then be shared among the partners in the ratio of their contributions. At the end of the first year, the business realized a gross profit of Kshs 225, 000.
(a) Calculate the amount of money Cherop received more than Asha at the end of the first year.
(b) Nangila further invested Kshs 25,000 into the business at the beginning of the second year. Given that the gross profit at the end of the second year increased in the ratio 10:9, calculate Nangila’s share of the profit at the end of the second year.

8. Kipketer can cultivate a piece of land in 7 hrs while Wanjiku can do the same work in 5 hours. Find the time they would take to cultivate the piece of land when working together.

9. Mogaka and Ondiso working together can do a piece of work in 6 days. Mogaka working alone, takes 5 days longer than Onduso. How many days does it take Onduso to do the work alone.

10. A certain amount of money was shared among 3 children in the ratio 7:5:3 the largest share was Kshs 91. Find the
(a) Total amount of money
(b) Difference in the money received as the largest share and the smallest share.

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