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Molo District English Paper 2 Answers Question Paper

Molo District English Paper 2 Answers 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

July/August 2008

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2008


Paper 2
July August 2008

(Instructionsfor marking: remove ½ mark for faulty expression)
1. (a) cyberchondria – a term for patients who use the internet for self diagnosis
and then present ‘misinformation’ to their doctor. ? (1mk)
(b) Patients say they want information on medically diagnosed disease /illness ?
or to find alternative treatment.? (1mk)
(c ) Our health service is not entirely healthy due to:
- it barely survives on shoe-string budgets ? (1mk)
- low staffing levels (1mk)
- long queues of patients praying for help (1mk)
( Any two, each one mark)
(d) One goes to the search engine (1mk) ?and types the symptom (1mk)?
(e) You can’t rely on a website for self-diagnosis because it can spit out the most common reason for your symptoms (1mk) ?which may not be accurate ?(1mk)
(f) Professional health providers give informed diagnosis? (1mk) whereas internet can give medical misinformation (1mk)? (cyberquakery)
(g) The information on the internet is not the ultimate truth? (1mk)
(h) He dislikes/mistrusts/doubtful ? (1mk)
- You can’t rely on a website for self diagnosis ?(1mk)
- It is better to present your aching stomach or back to your physician or health care profession
- You may be wasting time, prayers money and emotional energy....
- On line health consumer should be wary because of medical misinformation or cyberquackery
- You can’t use the internet as the gospel truth to determine health problems
( identification: 1mk, Illustration: 1mk)
( Accept any relevant illustration. Any 1 illustration. 1 mark. No mark for illustration without identification)
(i) Panic and apprehension may be bred by online diagnosis.? (1mk)
(j) Find out who is responsible for the content (1mk)
- Find out whether the website is owned or sponsored by a reputable organization ? (1mk)
- Look for the credentials and qualifications of the professionals presenting the information.? (1mk)
( Answer must be in note form. This is use of dashes (-) dots (.)
numbering (1, 2, 3,) Numerals (I, ii, iii) if not deduct 50% of the final mark)
(k) Shoe string budget –? limited /inadequate resources. (1mk)
Hits – access the website ? (1mk)
- Opening a website
- Visit the website
Q. 2 : Novel Comprehension
Marking instructions; deduct ½ mark for faulty expression
(a) Paulina’s father’s burial where there was a lay preacher? (1mk) and speeches were made. The mourner’s then observed the customary silence ? (1mk)
(b) Notes
(i) Paulina’s mother was wearing her husband’s favourite shirt ?(1a)
(ii) Ritual shaving could take place outside ?(1b)
(iii) The women had to make sure the men were fed on meat and were satisfied (1c)?
(iv) Beer would be brewed on such occasions (1d)?
(v) When a woman’s father died, her husband had to go and sleep with her at her home (1e).?
Fair copy:
Paulina’s mother was wearing her husband’s favourite shirt? (1a). Ritual shaving could take place outside (1b)?. The women had to make sure the men were fed on meat and were satisfied (1c)? Beer would be brewed on such occasions (1d).? When a woman’s father died, her husband had to go and sleep with her at her home.(1e).?
- Instructions ( Must be in continuous prose. If not deduct 50% of the marks)
- Any faulty expression deduct a ¼ (glimmer) mark. The number of words should not exceed 55 words. Ignore words beyond 55 words.)
(c ) Didn’t you? ?(1mk)
(d) They had fallen out /separated /disowned her because of infidelity/Martin had beaten Paulina because of infidelity, and had disowned her ?(1mk) . Paulina had not informed Martin of her father’s death.?
(e) -Hypocritical / secretive/pretender/Liar 1mk) ?
She is not genuine in the answer she gives to her mother about Martin’s whereabouts.
She lies that Martin could not attend the burial because he was allegedly too busy.
-Observant /keen:
She notices her mother was wearing the father’s shirt /she notices all the things the mourners were doing.
- Hard working
- Her hands were scraped from continued breaking of sticks to feed the fire .Her dress was stiff with sweat
Marking instructions, Trait. (1mk) illustration ((1mark) .Any two well illustrated traits (4marks).No mark for illustration without character trait

(f) When the son Died she was in disbelief? (1mk) but she accepted ?(1mk) her father’s death. During her father’s mourning, it was routine, a formality ?(1mk) but in the case of her son, she was in ?deep grief. (1mks)
(g) No one expected Paulina’s mother to tear off ?(1mk) her clothes in
farewell to her husband.
- Some of the younger people would refuse to shave? (1mk) off hair and submit only to a token cutting?(1mk) of the hair.
- It is not mandatory ? to attend a funeral Tunda did not attend his nephews funeral.
(h) (i) Dodo’s ?(1mk)
(ii)It is justified, Tunda’s failure to attend his nephew’s funeral ? (1mk)
- It brought out Tunda’s fear that his lineage would end.? (1mk)
3. Poetry
(a) The poem is about a street urchin/vagrant / homeless people / street
person (1mks)who eats dirty / rotten /stale /dregs remains from the dust bins.?
The vagrant is despised /harassed / hated /by the society? (1mk)
He is discontented with his state / he has unfulfilled dreams /ambition ?(1mk)
(b) To the scavenger, it is a new day to look for food / to be harassed /looked down upon/to be despised by society. ? (1mk)
To the police it is another hectic day for them, to look for trouble makers / To chase the trouble makers ? (1mk)
To the society it is time to come to the city for their own personal, issues and are troubled by the scavengers. ? (1mk)
(c ) Attitude: Dislike /contemptuous /hate /abhors ? (1mk)
Illustration: hauled around by the police /society glares at them with eyes of
contempt / No one understands his fate/they avoid? him like plague.(1mk)
( No mark for illustration without identifying attitude = (1mk) Any one illustration one (1mk) mark.
(d) The persona is troubled that no one empathizes with his situation of
scavenging yet it was not his making ?(1mk). He is forced by circumstances to
scavenge yet he had dreams ?(1mk) which are unfulfilled.
(e ) Alliteration/assonance: ?Digging deeper. ( Any 1 device 1mk)
Effect: Shows the struggle /trouble the scavenger goes through to get dregs from the bottom of the bins.?(1mk)
(f) He had ambitions that were unfulfilled? (1mk) to him they became rotten/stale (1mk)? dreams.
(g) His dreams of becoming an important person in the society were unfulfilled? (1mk) ?and he ended up being a scavenger ?(1mk) what he did not think he would ever be.
(h)Hauled around – dragged about carried all over?.(1mk)
Glared at me – stare? (1mk)
Dregs of rotten dreams – remains /little ?bits of the unfulfilled dreams. (1mks)
Societal dregs – lower cadre? /rank in society /worthless /scum in society.(1mk)
4. Grammar ( Marking instructions: Deduct ½ mark for faulty expression)
(a) (i)Pulled down /tore down
(ii) Takes after
(iii) Bringing up
(Marking instructions: The phrasal verbs must be in the correct tense)
(b) (i) If the young man had passed the exam, he would have joined a public
(Marking instructions: The comma is mandatory, if missing deduct ½ marks)
(ii) The mother told the boy not to touch the kettle because / for it would burn his hands.
(iii) Not once did I ever think that I would ever be a minister
(iv) The log was too heavy to be carried by two boys
(v) The technician who operated the machine was ordered by the inspector to clean it.
( i) Lose
(ii) Lain
(ii) has
(i) few
(ii) a little, a few
(iii) Little
(Marking instructions: If wrong spelling = 0 mk

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