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Agriculture Paper 1 Answers Question Paper

Agriculture Paper 1 Answers 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. -Mutual benefit between crops and livestock
-Income is spread over a long period
-The farmer is insured against total loss
-Animals can be used to work in the farm
-Enables distribution of labour through out the year ½ x4=2mks

2 -Loss of labour when a worker dies
-Time lost when seeking medical services
-Money used to pay hospital bills
-Loss of motivation to invest in agriculture ½ x2=1mk

3 -Young farmers club of Kenya (YFCK) 4K Clubs ½ x2=1mk

4 -To increase soil aeration
-To raise soil temperature
-To increase microbial activities
-To remove toxic substances
-To reduce soil erosion ½ x4=2mks

5 -Increase agricultural production through proper land use
-Enhance efficient land use
-Put idle land into use
-Settle the landless easing population pressure in some areas
-Enhance commercial instead of subsistent production
-Enhances conservation and improvement of land and its resources ½ x4=2mks

6 -Crop beard (e.g K.T.D.A, wheat board etc)
-Co-operative societies communal bank
-Commercial bank
-Agricultural financial co-operation (AFC)
-Settlement fund trust
-Personal savings
-Gifts/donations ½ x4=2mks

7 -It causes salting in rivers/dams
-Uprooting of crops
-Eroded soil may cover crops
-Loss of soil nutrients ½ x4=2mks

8 -Leaf curl
-Chlorotic leaves/yellowing of leaves
-Premature leaf fall
-Scorching of leaves at the tips and along the outside while the inside remains green ½ x3=1 ½ mks

9 -The farmer has incentives to carry out long term investment
-Helps to solve land disputes
-Title can be used as a security for loans

10 -Use of resistant varieties
-Early planting
-Use of certified seeds
-Field hygiene
-Close season ½ x3=1 ½ mks

11 -Avoid mixing the dry leaves and small turigs
-Harvest during the dry weather
-During harvesting separate grade A and B
-Don’t put in gunny bags/sisal bag ½ x4=2mks

12 -Leads to incomplete decomposition of organic matter
-No thorough weed control especially rhizomatous weed
-Encourage soil composition thus poor structure ½ x2=1mk

13 -Tree roots stabilize the soil
-Helps to conserve soil and water
-Modify the micro-climate
-After decomposition of leaves nutrients are added to the soil
-Organic material improve soil structure
-Trees shelter crop from wind damage
-Diversify products from trees by including fruit and fodder ½ x5=2 ½ mks

14 -Field operation record
-Labour records
-Production records/yield records
-Account records ½ x4=2mks

15 -Types/species of crop used
-Degree of damage during handling
-Speed of drying/making the hay
-Stage of growth at which the forage was cut
-Presence of forage material in the hay
-Method of storage ½ x4=2mks

16 -Pest and disease attack
-Deep placement/shallow placement
-Inadequate moisture in the soil
-Long storage of seeds ½ x4=2mks

17 -Acquiring information/Knowledge to farm business
-Analyzing the information/knowledge
-Formulation of farm plan
-Bearing the risks/taking responsibility
-Implementing the farm plan

SECTION B (20Marks)
18 (i) Marcotting/Air layering 1x1=1mk Reject-Layering alone
(ii) *Debarking/Ring barking
*Applying a rooting hormone/IAA/IBA/NAA
*Applying rooting medium e.g. Silica, saw dust, sisal waste
*Wetting the soil around the area 1x3=3mks

19. (a) *C-Nut grass (cyperus rotundus) D-Sow thistle (Sonchus Oleraceus) ½ x2
(b) It has underground storage organs (bulbs) (1 x 1)
(c) - Used as animal feed
- Used as human food (vegetable)
- It is a source of medicine / medicinal. (½ x 2)
(b) *It has underground storage organs (bulbs) 1x1

½ x2
SECTION C (40Marks)
20.(a) A- cutworm
B- Maize stalk borer. (½ x2)
(b) - Burrow tunnels in the stems and growing tips destroying transport system.
- Eats leaves and reduce photosynthetic surfaces.
- Bores holes on maize cobs reducing the yields. (½ x 2)
(c)- Timely planting
- Crop rotation
- Close season
- Trap cropping
- Field hygiene. ( ½ x 2)

21(a) 1. Gutter
2. Spillway
3. Drain pipe 1x3=3mks

(b) *Free from disease causing micro-organisms
*Free of foreign contaminants
*Neutral PH
22. (i) Land preparation.
- Clear land and remove the stumps
- Cultivate and harrow land to fine tilth
- Prepare land early / during the dry season / before rains.
- Ensure that land is free from weeds
- Firm the seed bed using rollers before planting
- Select desirable variety of seed grass for the ecological zone of the area.
(ii) Planting
- Use certified seeds! healthy seeds
- Plant / sow the seeds at the onset of rains just before rains / during planting / early planting.
- Apply phosphatic fertilizer at planting time at appropriate rates.
- Drill or broadcast the seeds evenly on the seed bed.
- Use a recommended seed rate for the variety chosen.
- Bray twigs or gunny bags to cover the seeds.
- Lightly with soil or plant 3-5 times the diameter of seeds.
- Firm the seed using rollers after sowing / planting seeds.

(iii) Field management practices
- Control weeds by uprooting or applying appropriate herbicides.
- Apply nitrogenous fertilizers about 6 weeks after germination in split application.
- carry out reseeding
- Avoid grazing when pasture is too young.
- Irrigate in dry season.
- Cut back / practice light grazing in the initial phase of establishment to encourage lateral growth.
- To control pests e.g. moles.
- Use the correct stocking rate to avoid overgrazing. (1x 7 = 7mks)
23. (a)Is the physical relationship between inputs and output which shows the quantity of output that
may be expected from a given combination of inputs. (lx 1)

24(a) Zig Zag method/Random method 1x1=1mk
(b) *Avoid contaminating the soil samples
*Do not collect the soil samples from unusual places
*Collect samples at the correct depth
*Do not mix top soil and sub soil 1x4=4mks

(c) Soil sampling is collecting a representative soil for analysis while soil testing is the actual analysis process to determine nutrient content and PH (Mark as a whole) 2mks

(d) *Dry the soil
*Breaks big lumps of the soil
*Mix the soil samples homogenously
*Obtain a representative sample/quarter
(Procedure a must) 1x4=4mks

(e) *Name/address of the farm
*Field number
*Date of sampling
*Location of field 1x2=2mks

Correct diagram=1mk
Correct labeling=6mks

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