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Kcpe 2011 Christian Religious Education Question Paper

Kcpe 2011 Christian Religious Education 

Course:Primary Level

Institution: Kcpe question papers

Exam Year:2011

61.According to the stories of creation in Genesis chapter 1 and 2,human beings were to care for the environment by
A. naming the animals
B. tilling the land
C. building shelters
D. building shrines.
62.The story of Noah and the flood mainly teaches Christians that
A. they should protect their lives
B. families are important
C. they should protect the animals
D. those who sin are punished.
63.The promises that God made to Abraham mainly teach Christians to be
64.Who among the following people was the son of Isaac?
65.Durig the last nigh in Egypt,the Israelites put blood on the door posts in order to
A.keep their enemies away their suffering
C.mark their houses
D.shoew that they were in a hurry.
66.Which one of the following actions was carried out by Moses at Mount Sinai?
A.building an alter
B.removin water from the stone
C.feeding people with manner
D.performing miraculous deeds.
67.Who among the following people led the Israelites against the Midianites?
68.The Shunamite woman welcomed prophet Elijah into her house by him clothes him a place to stay
C.pouring oil on his feet
D.washing his clothes
69.The prophet who foretold about the suffering servant is
70.Which one of the following was said about Jesus by Angel Gabriel?The child will mighty called Holy
C.not drink any wine a light to the Gentiles.
71.Which one of the following reasons explains why the shepherds visited baby Jesus?They
A.wanted to take gold to him
B.were sent by Herod
C.wanted to worship him
D.wanted to please his parents.
72."Happy are those who work for peace;God will call them his children"(Mathew 5:9)
These words were spoken by Jesus
A.during the sermon on the mount
B.during his temptation
C.when choosing the disciples
D.when attending the wedding at Cana
73.The main lesson Christians learn from the miracle of the miraculous catch of fish is that they should committed to the work ready to serve God with others
D.obey God's word.
74.A lesson that Christians learn from the raising of Jairus' daughter is that they should
A.ask for help
B.protect themselves against evil
C.give out their belongings
D.repent their sins.
75.Which one of the following parables teaches Christians to accept others?The parable of the
B.mastered seed
C.lost son man and Lazarus.
76.Which one of the following statements was said by Jesus during the Last Supper?
A."This is my body that was given for you."
B."Do not worry about your life,what you will eat."
C."Father if you are willing,take this cup from me."
D."Do not put the Lord your God to test."
77.Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus because he wanted to
A.please the Roman authorities
B.please the Jewish leaders
C.become famous
D.get riches.
78.Jesus made his eleven disciples to believe that He had ressurected by
A.healing them
B.washing their feet
C.breaking the bread
D.showing them the scars.
79.Which one of the following practices was carried out by beleivers in the early church?
A.naming of the children.
B.burning incest.
C.sharing meals.
D.pouring libations.
80.Who among the following people baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch?
81.Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
82.Which one of the following ways of worship is common to both the traditional Africn religion and christianity?
A.Making sacrifices.
B.Reciting prayers.
C.Reading scriptures.
D.Baptising believers.
83.The main reason why marriage is important in traditonal African communities is get security improve one's status provide companionship
D.for the continuity of the family line.
84.In traditional African communities children are taught their responsibilities by
85.Which one of the following actions by christians best shows their respect for leaders?
A.Being obiedient.
B.Paying visits.
C.Correcting their leaders.
D.Offering gifts.
86.Your classmate Tabitha makes alot of noise during study time.This is affecting the performance of the class.As a christian what is the best action to take
A.Inform her parents about it.
B.Inform the class teacher.
C.Advice her to stop the habit.
D.Tell others not to talk to her.
87.Which one of the following group of activities show the christian teaching on leisure activities?
A.Reading the bible,helping at home,playing soccer.
B.Improving one's talent,going to church,playing computer games.
C.Attending church,talking about others,visiting the sick.
D.Helping in communal work,helping the elderly,visiting prisoners.
88.Your classmate John has been asked by the mother to help in doing house work.He refuses beacause he feels that this is a dirty job.As a christian what advice would you give him?Tell him
A.the benefit of working let the mother do it ask the mother to employ a house help leave home.
89.Tomothy a stsndsrd seven pupil has been asked to give money to the Captain so as to be allowed to play in the school football team.As a christien,what action should he take?
A.Pay the money required.
B.Tell him it is wrong.
C.Announce it to the others.
D.Report the matter to the games master.
90.Which one of the following is the main reason why christians condemn misuse of drugs?
A.It leads to fights.
B.It leads to poverty.
C.It defiles the body.
D.It causes insecurity.

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