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Public Relations Management Question Paper

Public Relations Management 

Course:Diploma Course In Management Section 2

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

Ziduka Airlines

Imagine your organization Ziduka Airlines is planning to hold an aviation open day to sensitize the public’s about air travelling safety. The function is to take place at Wilson Airport in a month’s time.

As the organization’s public relations manager, you have been given a task of organizing the function. You are also asked to mobilize the internal public to make the occasion a success. Notwithstanding, top government officials and the donor communities are expected to attend the function.

a) Prepare a 250 words press release to be distributed to the media in relation to this event. (10 marks)
b) Discuss steps to be undertaken to deal with the journalists before and during the function (8 marks)
2. Discuss the public relations work assignments. (18 marks)

3. a) Using examples, differentiate corporate identity from corporate image. (8 marks)
b) PR is not advertising, nor part of advertising. Critique this statement. (10 marks)

4. Explain the following PR terms
a) Puff (3 marks)
b) Press release (3 marks)
c) Propaganda (3 marks)
d) Sponsorship (3 marks)
e) Muckraking (3 marks)
f) Exhibition (3 marks)

5. a) Explain the role of lobbying in parliament liaison, distinguishing it from a correspondent lobbyist. (8 marks)
b) Discuss the difficulties encountered when engaging in international PR. (10 marks)

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