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Business Research Methods Question Paper

Business Research Methods 

Course:Diploma Course In Management Section 2

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

Diploma in Public Relations Management
Diploma course in management II
September 2010

Subject: Business research methods
Date: Sep 2010
Time: 3 hours


1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet
2. Answer question number 1 (compulsory) and any other four questions
3. Question number 1 carries (28 marks) while the other questions carry (18 marks) each.
4. No writing should be down on this question paper.
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be disqualified.

Sas’ Turn Around

During the early 2000, James was appointed chief operating officer for Scandinavian airlines. At this time, the entire airline industry was in the midst of a slump and SAS was about to record a second straight year of losses. James halted the practice of instituting across the board cuts and instead focused on developing a strategic mission that could make SAS profitable during a time of zero market growth. The strategy was to make SAS known as the best airline in the world for the frequent business traveler.
Uner James’s leadership, SAS scrutinized every project and expense as to whether it contributed to improving the services to the frequent business traveler. If the answer was no, no matter what it was or how dear it was to those within SAS, it was cut. To achieve the indented success James set up a task force to help revamp the airline. Their task was to carry out a research study and report immediately.

a) State four objectives for the research study. (8 marks)

b) Giving reasons identify/suggest suitable research design to be adopted by the task force in the study. (9 marks)

c) Describe the methods to be used in analyzing the data (8 marks)

d) Identify and explain any three ethical issues to consider while conducting the study. (3 marks)

2. It is mandatory for all students pursuing diploma courses at the Kenya Institute of Management to undertake a research project. Highlight the problems they are likely to face in their Endeavour to fulfill the requirement giving possible solutions to each
(18 marks)

3. Briefly explain why it is necessary to conduct literature review before and during the research process (9 marks)

b) Discuss the factors to consider when choosing instruments of data collection (9 marks)

4. Explain four types of measurement scales based on which you develop items in you instruments of data collection (8 marks)

b) Describe the characteristics of a good research study. (10 marks)

5. Briefly explain the term reliability of research instrument (3 marks)

b) Explain three methods of obtaining / testing for reliability of research instrument. (9 marks)

c) Highlight the limitations of conducting a census study. (6 marks)

6.Identify and explain any four errors that can be identified while editing data
(8 marks)

b) Discuss any four types of research (10 marks)

7. Outline the functions of hypothesis (8 marks)

b) Citing examples briefly explain the following
i) Measures of dispersion (2 marks)
ii) Measures of central tendency (2 marks)
iii) Measures of relationship (2 marks)

8. Critically examine the challenges encountered by institutions in Kenya while implementing research recommendations. (10 marks)

b) Many organizations are currently engaged in research, some have even set up research department within the organization. Briefly explain the necessity of conducting research. (8 marks)

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