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Foundations Of Quality Management Question Paper

Foundations Of Quality Management 

Course:Diploma Course In Management Section 2

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

Diploma in Public Relations Management
Diploma course in management II
September 2010

Subject: Foundations of Quality Management
Date: Sep 2010
Time: 3 hours


1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet
2. Answer question number 1 (compulsory) and any other four questions
3. Question number 1 carries (28 marks) while the other questions carry (18 marks) each.
4. No writing should be down on this question paper.
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be disqualified.

Competition for Passenger Intensifies

Competition on the Nairobi Mombasa route has intensified as Airlines and Bus companies roll out new services to lure passengers. Airlines have increased their flights and lowered their fares, shied bus firms have invested in high end of the market vehicles to offer extra comfort, entertainment and customer services in a bid to outdo the domestic aviation sector.

The only gap between the two modes is the time taken to travel; buses take eight hours on the road and plane take 45 minutes flight time. The service quality and comfort are almost the same for the two transportation modes.

a) Outline dimensions of service quality discussed in the passage (10 marks)
b) Describe how benchmarking can be used to improve competitiveness. (10 marks)
c) Identify differences and similarities in the transportation modes (8 marks)
2. Describe the use of brainstorming in analyzing causes of problems (12 marks)

b) Why is it necessary to rank the possible solutions to problems (6 marks)

3. Outline three aspects of quality definition (6 marks)

b) Discuss on the evolution of total quality ideas in the twentieth century. (12 marks)

4. Quality pioneers included Americans, Europeans and Japanese Discuss one of each (18 marks)

5. Explain the use of control charts in quality control (10 marks)

b) What are the roles of quality department in an organization (8 marks)

6. Discuss the application of a quality assurance cycle (10 marks)

b) What measures can be taken to minimize change resistance (8 marks)

7. What are the duties of a health, safety and environment committee (14 marks)

b) How are the members selected (4 marks)

8. Discuss the different forms of registration for businesses (8 marks)

b) What is meant by corporate social responsibility give examples (10 marks)

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