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Philips Electronic Company Question Paper

Philips Electronic Company 

Course:Diploma Course In Management Section 2

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

Diploma in Public Relations Management
Diploma course in management II
September 2010

Subject: Business Research Methods
Date: Sep 2010
Time: 3 hours


1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet
2. Answer question number 1 (compulsory) and any other four questions
3. Question number 1 carries (28 marks) while the other questions carry (18 marks) each.
4. No writing should be down on this question paper.
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be disqualified.

Philips Electronics Company

The Dutch Company was established in 1891. It’s currently the largest electronic company, making products as diverse as lighting bulbs. Computers, medical equipment and semi conductors. By 1990 Philips had over 700 divisions in over 60 countries and operated thousands of manufacturing plants employing more than 250000 people worldwide.
However, its global leadership Philips was in deep trouble. In 1990, it lost $1.3 billion on sales of over $3 billion, and it’s very survival was threatened. What was the problem? The external environment was changing rapidly, and Philips, mechanistic structure was not allowing\ng the company to adapt to the changes that were taking place. To address the problem a committee was set up and charged by the company to look into emerging issues and find the way forward.

a)Formulate any four objectives for the study. (4 marks)

b)Giving reasons outline three methods the committee will use to collect data (6 marks)

c)Explain any five problems the committee is likely to face during data collection (10 marks)

d) Discuss four ways in which modern technology could be adopted so as to solve the organization problems. (8 marks)

2. Identify and explain any four types of research (12 marks)

Briefly discuss the advantages of using observation as a method of data collection (6 marks)

3. Discuss the significance of critically reviewing empirical studies in research (8 marks)

b) Highlight the main challenges facing researchers with regard to dissemination of the research findings (10 marks)

4. Describe the procedure for testing a hypothesis (8 marks)

b) Describe the procedure for testing a hypothesis (8 marks)

5. Identify likely sources of problems when developing a research design. (8 marks)

b) Discuss the factors to be considered when choosing a sampling technique (10 marks)

6. Explain the factors likely to contribute to a student’s research propels being rejected by his or her supervisor. (10 marks)

b) Citing examples describe three measure of central tendency (8 marks)

7. Briefly explain the following terms
a) Business research (2 marks)
b) Type 1 error (2 marks)
c) Census (2 marks)
d) Research problem (2 marks)

8. Identify and explain four ways of data presentation (8 marks)

b) Discuss the disadvantages of using external consultants to carry out research in your organization (10 marks)

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