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Data Base Systems Question Paper

Data Base Systems 

Course: Computer Engineering Maintenance

Institution: Dedan Kimathi University Of Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010

University Examinations 2010/2011
ICS 2206 Database Systems
DATE: 12th August 2010 11am – 1 pm TIME: 2 HRS
Answer Question One and any other Two Questions
Question one(30mks)
a) Define the terms
i) Database systems
ii) Database management system 2mks
b) Describe the five components of the DBMS and discuss how they relate to each other 10mks
c) What is a transaction 1mk
d) Discuss the four basic (ACID) properties of a transaction 8mks
e) Discuss the function and importance of conceptual modeling 4mks
f) Differentiate between a relation and a relationship 1mks
g) Explain the two types of multiplicity constraints 4mks
Question two 20mks
a) Discuss the role of the following personnel in a DBMS environment
i. Database administrator 2mks
ii. Logical database designer 2mks
b) Mention any two other personnel (roles) in a DBMS environment 1mk
c) Discuss the two main approaches to database design 4mk
d) Differentiate between identifying entity and identifying relationship 2mks
e) Use an appropriate example to describe a unary relationship 3mks
f) Consider the following schema;
Student (regno, age, name, gender)
Parent (parent id, Name , contacts)
A Parent can have more than one student in the system. A student can only have one parent.
i) Draw an ER diagram to represent the database 1mk
ii) Use relational algebra operations to;
a. List all the names of the student ,names of their respective parents and their contacts 2mk
b. List down the names of all the people in the database, both parents and students 3mks
Question Three (20MKS)
a) Describe at least three counter measures to employee in countering database security threats 6mks
b) Explain the factors to consider when choosing the appropriate counter measures to employ
c) Describe a fan trap in an ER diagram and how are they resolved 6mks
d) State any four basic operations of relational algebra, show their symbol and explain their use 2mks
Question four (20mks) What is a threat 1mk
a) What is an index and why is it important 3mks
b) Explain how you would create an index that has two attributes in
i. Ms Access data base 3mks
ii. Using SQL statements 3mks
c) Explain the three levels of data abstraction and their importance in database design 6mks
d) Give and explain any two weaknesses of the RDBMS that led to development of object oriented database model 4mk
Question five (20mks)
a) Explain the following terms
i. Distributed database 1mk
ii. DDBMS 1mk
b) State any four characteristics of a DDBMS 2mks
c) Why would you advice a client to implement a distributed database system in his/her enterprise? Give at least three reasons 6mks
d) Consider the following un normalized data ;
i) Normalize the data in the table at least to the 3rde normal form (3nf) 2mks
ii) Write the SQL statements that would create at least two of the tables from the resultant model 4mks
iii) Insert at least two records into one of the created tables using an SQL statement 2mks
iv) Write an sql statement that would increase the cost of all the items by 20% 2mks
Order Table
Order number (pk)
Order date
Customer id
Customer name
Customer address
Item group id
Item group name
Specific item id
Item name
Cost per unit
Quantity of items ordered

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