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Corporate Relations Question Paper

Corporate Relations 

Course:Diploma Course In Management Section 2

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

Diploma in Public Relations Management (Part 1)

Diploma course in management II

May 2011 examination.

Subject: Corporate relations
Date: May 2011
Time: 3 hours


1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet
2. Answer question number 1 (compulsory) and any other four questions
3. Question number 1 carries (28 marks) while the other questions carry (18 marks) each.
4. No writing should be down on this question paper.
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be disqualified.

Bad Blood, Bad Looks

The departments of accounting and management are the leasing departments at Erickson University. Dr Karandi, chairman of the management department, and Dr. Omoki, chairman of the accountancy department, have always felt awkward whenever they interacted with each other during the executive meetings and other meetings. The management has a reputation of excellent group of faculty members who are extremely committed and well versed with research work, in private the management department refers to the accountancy department as the greatest show on earth. Use of intercom is mostly enjoyed by the faculty members of the management as well as enjoying 1 master’s scholarships awards the college receive each year.
Faculty members from both departments started to make snide remarks at each other in classes while lecturing to students this, the dean has termed it as unprofessional behavior and deplorable conduct, and has asked them to mend or end. He is also pondering about how to resolve the problem once and for all to make Erickson University a model university in the world.

a) Give a concise outline of the problems that exist in Ericson University. (10 marks)
b) Suggest viable options that would enhance effectiveness and efficiency of the university. (8 marks)
c) Considering that all employees have their legitimate rights which must be met if they were to be committed to their work, explain some of these rights that you would suggest to the management. (10 marks)
2. Using an organization you are familiar with’
a) Explain the importance and benefits of advertising (10 marks)
b) Describe the factors that influence media selection process (8 marks)

3. Corporate culture has been defined as a complex body of shared values, beliefs, altitudes, etc.
a) Illustrate its importance and how it influence performance. (12 marks)
b) Describe the factors that influence its components. (6 marks)

4. Define the term corporate relations; explain the significance of studying it and its influence on corporate performance. (18 marks)

5. One of the social functions of a public relations officer may be to assist in stakeholder’s analysis.
a) Define the term stakeholder’s analysis (6 marks)
b) Outline the stakeholders of Kenya Airways. Describe at least five legitimate rights of the external stakeholders. (12 marks)

6. Using relevant examples, demonstrate the role of effective corporate communication (8 marks)
b) Discuss common communication barriers likely to be experienced in a government institution in Kenya. (10 marks)

7. Bring out clearly the differences between
a) Corporate image and corporate identity explaining their importance (10 marks)
b) Corporate mission and objectives (8 marks)
8. In most organizations, when change is about to be introduced, there is likely to be a tendency of tension and fear.
a) Discuss with examples the forces for change. (10 marks)
b) Describe role of a public relations officer during this process (8 marks)

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