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Practice Of Management Question Paper

Practice Of Management 

Course:Diploma Course In Management Section 2

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

Diploma in Public Relations Management

Diploma course in management II

Subject: Practice of management

Date: June 2011

Time: 3 hours


1. Write your index number in the space provided in the answer booklet
2. Answer question number 1 (compulsory) and any other four questions
3. Question number 1 carries (28 marks) while the other questions carry (18 marks) each.
4. No writing should be down on this question paper.
5. Candidates who break KIM examination rules and regulations or commit any malpractice will be disqualified.

Our Lady of the Way Hospital
Our lady of the way hospital is a small 39 bed hospital located in Senia Kali Street in Bonyesa city. Like most hospitals our lady of the way historically had an organization chart built on straight line and boxes that reflected it typical bureaucratic organization. The CEO of our lady of the way hospital had direct management responsibility for several functional departments.
Recently however management replaced the traditional, hierarchical organization chart with a circular structure. According to management, the new structure was build\t to emphasize an increased m\need for reliance on team processes throughout the hospital. The geometric firm with no beginning or end points symbolizes the ongoing nature of the team process. The circle also implies that decisions are reached by consensus that no expertise within the organization is more important than any other, and that each person on the team is equally responsible for advancing its work.


1.Define organization chart and discuss the purpose, advantages and disadvantages of organization chars as one our lady of the way hospital had (15 marks)

b)Compare line and staff structure and state the major source s of conflict between them and offer practical suggestions for resolving such conflicts (13 marks)

2. Distinguish between managerial level , managerial functions and operative functions (8 marks)

b) What are the needs and importance of management principles s given by Loonts and o Donnell (10 marks)

3.Efficient organization is the basis of successful enterprise. Discuss the purpose and importance of organization. (10 marks)

b)Distinguish between formal and informal organization (8 marks)

4.Describe the reasons which results in the creation of informal groups within the formal organization (12 marks)

b)Distinguish between
i) Membership and reference groups
ii) In-groups and out-groups
iii) Primary and secondary groups (6 marks)

5.Discuss the nature and significance of moral (12 marks)

b) State and explain the essentials of a sound motivational system (6 marks)

6.Discuss the different leadership styles (6 marks)

b) A leader need not be a manager but an effective manager must have many of the qualities of a good leader. Discuss this statement ((12 marks)

7.State and explain the reasons for delegation (8 marks)

b)Define the term span of control and clearly explain the factors that influence it (10 marks)

8.Discuss the key areas of personnel policy (10 marks)

b) Discuss the possible ways in which employees can participate in decision making (8 marks)

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