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The Komarock School - Geography Form Three Paper 1 Question Paper

The Komarock School - Geography Form Three Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2012

NAME.................................... ADM. NO........
CLASS................................... TIME: 2HRS 45MINS

i) This paper consists of two sections A and B
ii) Answer ALL questions in section A in the spaces provided
iii)In section B, answer question 6 (Compulsory. Answer any other two questions.

1a) What is an eclipse (1mark)
b) State the charecteristics of the earths core (3marks)

2b) Describe how a thrust is formed (4marks)

3a) What is a gorge (1mark)
b) State four factors that influence river deposition (4marks)

4a) Describe two characteristics of Mediterenean Climate (2marks)
b) State two ways cactus adapts to the hot desert conditions (2marks)

5. State three external landforming process that lead to the formation of lakes (3marks)

6a) Study the map of Nkubu (1:50,000) and answer the following questions.
i) Give the approximate height of Lake Rumuika (Grid sphere 3887)
ii) Calculate the average gradient of the all weather road loose surface from Kitunguu grid
square 6088 to the junction in grid reference 514925
iii)Identify two districts adjourning Nkubu district
iv) Calculate the area of the forest to the South of the Northing 84

b) Explain how relief has influenced
i) Drainage
ii) Transport

c) Describe the distribution of settlement in the area covered by the map

d(i)Explain three factors that favor trading in the area covered by the map
ii)State two problems a student could encounter while conducting fieldwork in this area

7a i) Define the term underground water (2marks)
ii) Identify the evidences of underground water (2marks)
iii) State three ways in which springs can be formed (3marks)

b i) Describe the conditions necessary for the location of the artesian well (4marks)
ii) State the factors necessary for the formation of Karst Scenary (4marks)

c i) Using a well labeled diagram describe the formation of grikes and clints
ii) Explain three reasons why Karst scenary areas are unit suitable for settlement
iii) State two industrial benefits of Karst Scenary

8a i) Define a desert (2marks)
ii) Name three types of deserts according to the nature of their surfaces (3marks)
iii) State three factors which contribute to the development of deserts (3marks)

b) Using a well labeled diagram, describe how the following features are formed
i) Yardangs (4marks)
ii) Deflation hollows (4marks)

c i) Apart from a Rediment and Playa, outline three features resulting from water
action (3marks)
ii) Describe the formation of Rediment (3marks)
iii) State three characteristics of a playa (3marks)

9a i) What is biological weathering (3marks)
ii) Give three chemical weathering processes (3marks)

b) Explain how the following cause weathering
i) Exfoliation (4marks)
ii) Slaking (4marks)
c i) State three conditions which influence occurence of rain wash in surface
runoff (3marks)
ii) Explain two ways in which soil creep oceans (2marks)

d) Explain three positive effects of weathered features (2marks)

10ai) Define vulcanicity (1mark)
ii) State three causes of vulcanicity (3marks)
iii) Describe how a caldera is formed (4marks)

b i) Name three types of earthquake waves (3marks)
ii) State two natural causes of earthquakes (2marks)
iii) Apart from a caldera, name three other extrusive vulcanic features (3marks)

c) Explain three negative effects of vulcanicity on physical and human
environment (6marks)

d) You intend to carry out a field study of volcanic landscape
i) Give three methods you are likely to use to collect data (3marks)
ii) State one method of analyzing the data (1mark)

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