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C.R.E Form Three Cat One. Question Paper

C.R.E Form Three Cat One. 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010


1 a). Outline the areas where the bible is used in the society today. (5 mks)

b). Give reasons why the creation of man was unique in the Genesis creation stories. (5 mks)

2 a). Describe the occasions when Nehemiah prayed. (5 mks)

b). Identify the problems faced by Nehemiah during the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. (5 mks)

3 a). Identify methods used by priests / pastors to communicate God's message. (5 mks)

b). State ways in which Christians can avoid Gods punishment.(5 mks)

4. What lessons do Christians learn from Jeremiah's message of Hope and Restoration. (5 mks)

5 a). What are the characteristics of love as a major gift of the Holy spirit. (5 mks)

b). Identify FIVE ways in which the gifts of the Holy spirit have been abused in the church today. (5 mks)

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