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Christian Religous Education Question Paper

Christian Religous Education 

Course:Primary Level

Institution: Kcpe question papers

Exam Year:2000

61. Which one of the following statements from the Bible shows that God wanted human beings to take care of the environment?
A. Let us make man in our own image.
B. Let the earth produce all kinds of animal life.
C. Have many children and fill the earth.
D. Live all over the earth and bring it under control.
62. What punishment did God give to Eve because of her disobedience?
A. Suffering while giving birth.
B. Putting on clothes.
C. Eating selected fruits.
D. Living with wild animals.
63. Who among the following people is the father of the Jewish?
A. Moses.
B. Abraham.
C. Esau.
D. Joseph.
64. When Moses was called by God he was living in?
A. Ur.
B. Midian.
C. Haran.
D. Egypt.
65. Which one of the following commandments teaches about respect for human life?
A. ‘Do not commit murder’
B. ‘Do not accuse anyone falsely’
C. ‘Do not steal’
D. ‘Do not desirer another man’s house’
66. Who among the following people was a judge in Israel?
A. Joshua.
B. Gideon.
C. Aaron.
D. Miriam.
67. Who among the following kings was punished by God because of performing the duty of a priest?
A. Jehu.
B. Ahab.
C. Saul.
D. Ahaz.
68. Who among the following kings is famous for being wise?
A. David.
B. Jeroboam.
C. Rehoboam.
D. Solomon.
69. The boy raised to life by prophet Elijah was the son of the
A. Shunammite woman
B. Canaanite woman
C. Widow of Zarephath
D. Widow of Nain.
70. Which one of the following happenings took place when Jesus was born?
A. Mary visited Elizabeth.
B. Zechariah began to speak.
C. The angles’ sang.
D. There was an earthquake.
71. Joseph the husband of Mary worked as a
A. Carpenter.
B. Fisherman.
C. Preacher.
D. Shepherd.
72. The main message of John the Baptist to the people was to
A. become his disciples
B. repent their sins
C. love one another
D. feed one another.

73. ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve only Him’ (Luke 4:8). These words were said by Jesus during his
A. Temptation
B. Baptism
C. crucifixion
D. transfiguration.
74. The main lesson Christians learn from the miracle of the feeding feeding of the five thousand is to be
A. Generous.
B. Courageous.
C. Obedient.
D. Honest.
75. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches about treating neighbours well? The parable of the
A. Rich fool.
B. Sower.
C. Sheep.
D. Samaritan.
76. Who among the following disciples of Jesus broke the law of love because of his greed for money?
A. Peter.
B. John.
C. Judas.
D. James.
77. ‘Remember me, Jesus, when you come as King’ (Luke 23:42). These words were spoken by the thief on the cross because he was
A. Innocent
B. Patient
C. Repentant
D. Tolerant.
78. Who among the following people died because of cheating the apostles?
A. Stephen.
B. Ananias.
C. Cornelius.
D. Philip.
79. Paul was called by God mainly to
A. preach the gospel to the Gentiles
B. go to Damascus for baptism
C. stop persecuting Christians
D. heal the sick.
80. Which one of the following statements from the Apostles’ Creed teaches that Jesus is the Son of God?
A. Descended into hell.
B. Suffered under Pontius Pilate.
C. Conceived by the Holy Spirit.
D. Crucified, died and was buried.
81. Which one of the following activities by the early Christians shows a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
A. Preached the gospel.
B. Lived in joy.
C. Performed miracles.
D. Spoke in tongues.
82. In some traditional African communities people worshipped under a tree because it
A. gave them fruits
B. was God’s dwelling place
C. protected them from the wind
D. was beautiful.
83. Which one of the following traditional practices is found in Christianity?
A. Making libation.
B. Tattooing of the body.
C. Marrying many wives.
D. Giving of new names.
84. Which one of the following rituals in tradition African communities was mainly carried out by a priest?
A. Burying the afterbirth.
B. Shaving the hair.
C. Circumcising.
D. Offering sacrifices.
85. In some traditional African communities shedding of blood during circumcision showed that the initiates were
A. strong and healthy
B. united with the ancestors
C. ready to lead others in prayer
D. separated from the community.
86. Which of the following activities best promotes love among Christians?
A. Going to church.
B. Praying with others.
C. Caring for the hungry.
D. Visiting one another.
87. Your classmate James takes away your lunch and eats it. As Christian what you do?
A. Ask him to pay for it.
B. Tell him not to do it again.
C. Report him to the class prefect.
D. Announce it to the class.
88. John a standard eight pupil who comes from a rich family despises other members of the class. As a Christian the best advice you would give him is that he should be
A. trustworthy
B. brave
C. humble
D. a peace maker.
89. Rose, a standard six pupil finds out that her friend Jane has not been doing her morning duties. As a Christian what should Rose do about it?
A. Report her to the class teacher.
B. Report her to the parents.
C. Tell her to be responsible.
D. Do the work for her.
90. The main reason why Christian missionaries came to Kenya was to
A. introduce western education
B. stop slave trade
C. spread the gospel
D. stop female circumcision.

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