Hiv/Aids, Drug And Substance Abuse Question Paper

Hiv/Aids, Drug And Substance Abuse 

Course:Alternative Dispute Resolution

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2012

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any THREE questions

1.) Explain the effective strategies of HIV/AID prevention and management amongst University
students. (23 marks)

2.) With suitable examples, discuss FOUR factors fueling the spread of HIV and AIDS among
the youths. (23 marks)

3.) Citing suitable examples, discuss any FOUR factors which, have led to the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS on marital status. (23 marks)

4.) "Lack of women's economic empowerment is largely associated to vulnerability to HIV and
AIDS". With suitable examples, expound on this statement. (23 marks)

5.) "The spread of HIV/AIDS has been entirely attributed to masculinity" discuss with
appropriate examples. (23 marks)

6.) Discuss the effect of drugs and substance abuse on the spread of HIV and AIDS among the
youth in Kenya. (23 marks)

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