Kenya Methodist University Computer Science And Business Past Exams Question Papers

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Introduction To Computer Networks(Cisy 131) (Bit 241)
Multimedia Systems(Cisy 426) (Bbit 431)
Artificial Intelligence(Cisy 422) (Bbit 333)
Internet Application Programming (Cisy 311) (Bbit 325)
Management Information Systems(Bbit 438) (Cisy 421) (Misc 322)
Object Oriented Analysis And Design(Bbit 335) (Cisy 411)
Software Engineering Principles(Bbit 334) (Cisy 321)
Management Of Information Systems (Cisy 421) (Bbit 438) (Misc 322)
Software Engineering Principles(Cisy 321) (Bbit 334)
Object Oriented Programming (Bbit 223) (Cisy 210)
Distributed System(Cisy 432) (Bbit 445)
Introduction To Computer Systems (Cisy 101) (Dcis101) (Dbit 120)
Information Systems Management(Dbit 224) (Dcis 204) (Misc 033)
Operating Systems(Dbit 123)
Emerging Technology In Ict (Dbit 227) (Dcis 206)
Office Application(Dbit 123) (Dcis 107)
Computer Hardware And Maintenance B(Cisy 303) (Dcis 103) (Dbit 123)
Office Applications(Dcis 107) (Dbit 126)
Computer Operating Systems(Dbit 125) (Dcis 106)
Computer Hardware And Maintenance (Dbit 123) (Dcis 103)
Basic Electronics(Cisy 104) (Dcis 102)
Information Systems Management(Dcis 204) (Dbit 224) (Misc 033)
Database Management Systems (Dcis 200)
Introduction To Programming(Dcis 110) (Dbit 121)
Computer Application (Comp 016) (Dpba 020)
Computer Application(Dpba 020) (Comp 016)
Bbit 241/Cisy 131: Introduction To Computer Networks
Cisy 312: Microprocessor Programming
Cisy 312: Microprocessor Programming
Cisy 222/Bbit 231: System Analysis And Design